
Call for Participation: ChiPlay 2018 Diversity Workshop ‘Gaming with the Subaltern’

Please send your interest of participation in the workshop to subaltgur@gmail.com.

All interested attendees will be welcomed to participate.

SWaGUR.ca will cover workshop registration fees for 10 attendees who would otherwise be unable to attend due to finances; please include in your submission if you require financial support.

For further details please visit the website: https://subalterngur.wordpress.com/

Players, developers, and researchers recognize the lack of diversity in digital gaming and in games research; however, corrective action often takes the form of stereotypes, tokenism, and ignorance of intersectional perspectives. Meanwhile, the negative effects on player experiences within under-represented and marginalized players—i.e., the subaltern—persist.

Our goals are to gather the community of diversity researchers, share our knowledge and practices with one another, and collectively understand the intersections of power axes (e.g., race, gender, ability, neuroatypicality, culture) in games research. We will address questions, such as:

  • How do individual differences affect results, methods, and gameplay experiences?
  • What perspectives and experiences are shared by people across power axes? Which are unique?
  • What do game researchers and developers need to understand regarding identity dynamics when gathering data, interpreting results, or presenting information?
  • What does intersectionality (i.e., considering multiple power axes in combination) look like in gaming, game development and research?

Our hope is that shared insights will help our community move from simply valuing diversity toward successful intersectional practices—in research, development, and play.

Through four blocks of facilitated discussion and exercises, we will situate our shared knowledge within our lived experiences, collectively reframe diversity challenges as opportunities, outline systems for change, and discuss future directions.

Visit https://twitter.com/@subaltgur for the latest updates.


Players, developers, and researchers recognize the lack of diversity in digital gaming and in games research; however, corrective action often takes the form of stereotypes, tokenism, and ignorance of intersectional perspectives. Meanwhile, the negative effects on player experiences within under-represented and marginalized players—i.e., the subaltern—persist.

Our goals are to gather the community of diversity researchers, share our knowledge and practices with one another, and collectively understand the intersections of power axes (e.g., race, gender, ability, neuroatypicality, culture) in games research. We will address questions, such as:

  • How do individual differences affect results, methods, and gameplay experiences?
  • What perspectives and experiences are shared by people across power axes? Which are unique?
  • What do game researchers and developers need to understand regarding identity dynamics when gathering data, interpreting results, or presenting information?
  • What does intersectionality (i.e., considering multiple power axes in combination) look like in gaming, game development and research?

Our hope is that shared insights will help our community move from simply valuing diversity toward successful intersectional practices—in research, development, and play.

Through four blocks of facilitated discussion and exercises, we will situate our shared knowledge within our lived experiences, collectively reframe diversity challenges as opportunities, outline systems for change, and discuss future directions.

Click here to submit an expression of interest: a brief (1-2 page) statement of your experience in diversity and inclusion within games—as a researcher, developer, or player—and a short biography.

All interested attendees will be welcomed to participate.

Note that SWaGUR.ca will cover workshop registration fees for 10 attendees who would otherwise be unable to attend due to finances; please include in your submission if you require financial support.

Visit https://twitter.com/@subaltgur for the latest updates.

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