
CfP: 12th Advances in Computer Entertainment (Iskandar, Malaysia)

Lindsay Grace writes:

The Call for papers, posters, creative showcase, workshops, and the children’s creativity labs has been issued for the 12th Advances in Computer Entertainment conference. This year it will be in Iskandar, Malaysia. The complete CFP is available at http://ace2015.info/

Key Dates:
Paper and Workshop Submission deadline : June 5, 2015
Creative Showcase and Poster Submission Deadline: July 17, 2015

Yong Soon (http://yongsoon.me/ and I are chairing the creative showcase. I’d like to encourage the creative folks on this list to share their work through this venue. It is one of the first places I started showing my games and I’ve always liked the open-minded view on the intersection of entertainment and technology. I’m happy to answer any questions via email or perhaps in person at DiGRA 2015 🙂

Call for Creative Showcase
The creative showcase session offers a stage for the brightest ideas, latest innovations, and most inspiring works of art in the digital interactive technology domain. Creative showcase submissions should seek to reflect upon our interaction with and through the world of digital data and digitally mediated experience. This interaction refers to all members of the animal and plant kingdom, not just human beings. The work should provide a lens through which the future of digital entertainment can be gazed upon and contemplated.

The creative showcase is open to a large variety of submissions including, but not limited to, technical demonstrations of prototype technologies of advanced entertainment technology; video and computer games; interactive art, new media art, technology based art; web and mobile-based computer entertainment; audio, visual and other sensory forms of digital interaction.

The creative showcases focuses on novel, experiential exhibition of work best understood through visitor interaction. Work submitted to papers or posters and accompanied by a video may be considered for the creative showcase.

Submission and Presentation

The work submitted should be described in a paper (maximum 4 pages). The paper should describe the underlying ideas and motivations for the work in sufficient detail to allow the reviewers to critically assess the potential contribution of the work. Authors are encouraged to take advantage of the pictorial nature of the Extended Abstract format in describing and illustrating their work. The video provided must accurately represent the work, providing an overview of the creative showcase experience, the technologies involved and the kind of advances such work makes in the space of computer entertainment and allied practices.

Accepted submissions will be exhibited during a special creative showcase session. Creative showcase participants are required to assemble and disassemble their creative work for the showcase event.

Submission Requirements :

Anonymous Paper (maximum 4 pages). Papers should contain at least one representative image or illustration of the creative work
Video describing the work (5 minutes maximum). Videos should be provided in MP4 or MOV format.
Maximum size of submission should not exceed 50MB (paper + video)

Creative Showcase will be subjected to a double blind peer review by a panel of domain experts. Authors are expected to anonymise their papers by removing all author and institutional identity from the title and header of the paper as well as any information embedded within the submission file. However all references must remain intact, i.e. submitted papers should not have blank references (e.g., “8. REMOVED FOR REVIEWING”). In cases where you build on (and cite) your own work we suggest you refer to yourself in the third person, for example “This study builds on prior work by [8].”

Submissions must be in SighChi paper format

Important Dates
Submission deadline : July 17, 2015
Notification : August 24, 2015
Camera ready deadline : September 14, 2015

Send an email to creative@ace2015.info for any inquiries about creative showcase submission.


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