
CfP: 1st Experiment@ International Conference – Remote and Virtual Labs

1st Experiment@ International Conference – Remote and Virtual Labs

November 17-18, 2011
Hosted by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal

Details after the jump…

It’s main goal is to foster the expansion and association of
on-line labs consortia in order to enlarge the world capabilities
in this particular area, contributing to collaborative work in
emergent technologies. The conference will provide a two-day
forum of discussion and collaboration between academics,
researchers, k-12 teachers and industry, trying to bridge
the gap between academic applications and results, as well
as real world needs and experiences.
The program includes two international experts as invited speakers.
The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation is the main sponsor of this
Conference and the Associated Laboratory for
Energy, Transports
and Aeronautics (LAETA), the Portuguese Society for Engineering
Education (SPEE), the International Society for Engineering
Education (IGIP) and the International Association of Online
Engineering (IAOE) are associated institutions to this conference.

Conference topics:

> Remote and Virtual Labs
> Support technologies for remote and virtual experiments
> Human-Machine Interaction in the Training Process
> Remote Mechatronics Systems for Training
> Virtual reality for industrial applications
> Virtual reality for medical applications
> Mixed Reality examples and applications
> On-line Labs and Haptic Devices
> Haptic Devices: Tools for Knowledge Development
> Intelligent tutoring systems
> Ontological modeling for educational applications
> Serious Games
> Remote and Virtual Labs oriented for K-12 teachers and students
> On-line Labs and lifelong learning in industry


Important dates
June 26, 2011 – Full paper submission deadline
July 11, 2011 – Exhibition extended abstract
July 25, 2011 – Notification of acceptance
July 31, 2011 – Author registration deadline
September 20, 2011 – Camera-ready due

Maria Teresa Restivo and José Carlos Alves (University of Porto –
Faculty of Engineering)
Cardoso (University of Coimbra – Faculty of Science and Technology))

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