
CfP: 1st Int. Workshop on Cloud Gaming Systems and Networks (C-Game 2014)

The aim of this workshop is to provide a forum that brings together multimedia researchers and practitioners from various facets of multimedia topics and allows them to have active discussions and
interactions on the clearly focused, hot, and emerging topic of Cloud Gaming. We encourage discussions based on the presented papers to advance the state-of-the-art and to identify current and
future research topics.

The First International Workshop on Cloud Gaming Systems and Networks (C-Game 2014)
July 14/18, 2014, Chengdu, China

In conjunction with IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2014)

Important Dates:
Paper submission: March 23, 2014
Notification of acceptance: April 9, 2014
Camera-ready submission: April 16, 2014 (no extension)

Theme and Scope:
Online gaming systems, which mix various multimedia such as image, video, audio, and graphics to enable players to interact with each other over the Internet, are now widely used not just for
entertainment, but also for socializing, business, commerce, scientific experimentation, and many other practical purposes. Gaming is now a multi-billion dollar industry all over the world, having already surpassed the much longer-established film and music industries, and generating more revenue than each of cinema and DVD/BlueRay industries. Cloud gaming, the newest entry in the online
gaming world, leverages the well-known concept of cloud computing to provide online gaming services to players. The idea in cloud gaming is to process the game events in the cloud and to stream the
game to the players. Cloud gaming can be single player, where a user plays the game on his/her own, or multiplayer, where multiple geographically distributed users play with or against each other.
Since it uses the cloud, scalability, server bottlenecks, and server failures are alleviated to a great extent, helping it become more popular in both research and industry, with companies such as
OnLive, StreamMyGame, Gaikai, G-Cluster, OTOY, Spoon, CiiNOW, with Sony and Microsoft to join in 2014.

Topics of Interest:
We seek original papers that propose new approaches, methods, systems, and solutions in the following and similar topics:

. Adaptive video/graphics streaming according to player’s device limitations
. Methods to speed up video coding and video/graphics streaming at the cloud side
. Methods to decrease the required bandwidth while maintaining gameplay quality
. Energy-efficient video/graphics streaming based on player’s device battery and download limitations
. Energy-efficient cloud computing for game rendering and video coding at the server side
. Cloud-player latency improvement and delay mitigation techniques
. Player-cloud and player-player interactions: effects of delay and visual quality limitations on gameplay, and methods to improve them
. Optimizing cloud infrastructure and server distribution to efficiently support globally distributed players
. Cloud support for Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOG)
. Cloud gaming traffic measurement, modeling, benchmarking, and performance evaluation
. Resource allocation in the cloud for optimized game play
. Load balancing within the cloud
. Cloud routing policies for scalable and real-time gaming
. Software defined networking (SDN) and on-demand dynamic control of the cloud infrastructure
. Cloud support for serious games

Paper submissions should be at most 6 pages long and must cover one of the above or similar topics. We especially encourage experience papers describing lessons learned from built systems, including
working approaches, unexpected results, common abstractions, and metrics for evaluating and improving cloud gaming systems.

Workshop Chairs:
Shervin Shirmohammadi (shervin@discover.uottawa.ca), University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada
Maha Abdallah (Maha.Abdallah@lip6.fr), Pierre & Marie Curie University (UPMC), Paris, France
Dewan Tanvir Ahmed (dahmed@uncc.edu), University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, USA

Technical Program Committee:
Alexandru Iosup, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Andreas Petlund, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
Carsten Griwodz, University of Oslo, Norway
Chris GauthierDickey, University of Denver, USA
Corey Clark, DeVry University, USA
Daniel Pohl, Intel Labs, Germany
Di Wu, Sun Yat-Sen University, China
Gregor Schiele, Digital Enterprise Research Institute, Ireland
Gwendal Simon, Telecom Bretagne, France
Helmuth Trefftz, EAFIT University, Colombia
Jiangchuan Liu, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Jose Saldana, University of Zaragoza, Spain
Khaled Boussetta, University of Paris 13, France
Kuan-Ta Chen, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Mahmoud Reza Hashemi, University of Tehran, Iran
Mark Claypool, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
Matteo Varvello, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, USA
Mehdi Semsarzadeh, University of Ottawa, Canada
Mirko Suznjevic, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Mohammad M.R. Mozumdar, California State University, Long Beach, USA
Surendar Chandra, EMC, USA

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