
CfP: 4th International Conference on Serious Games Development and Applications (SGDA 2013)

Call for Papers – Fourth International Conference on Serious Games Development and Applications (SGDA 2013)


It is our pleasure to announce that the Fourth International Conference on Serious Games Development and Applications (SGDA 2013) is hosted by SINTEF in Trondheim, Norway on 25-27 September 2013.

SGDA 2013 appears in the sequence of the success of SGDA 2010 at Derby, UK (its Proceedings were published as a Special Issue of the Elsevier journal Entertainment Computing), SGDA 2011 at Lisbon, Portugal, and SGDA 2012 at Bremen, Germany (Proceedings were published as SpringerLNCS 6944 and 7528).

Details after the jump


Trondheim is the top student town in Norway. One in five inhabitants in Trondheim is a student. The Student Union (Studentersamfundet) has 8,000 members and its own building. Trondheim is also a festival town: UKA, a week-long music and cultural festival, is Norway’s largest cultural festival; and ISFiT, the International Student Festival in Trondheim is held biannually.

The Norwegian landscape is dominated by its mountains and coastline – perfect for people who love the outdoors, whether your passion is the mountains or the sea. Trondheim, right in the middle of central Norway, gives you good access to both the lofty heights of Jotunheimen National Park or the islands and intricacies of the mid-Norwegian coast. NTNUI, the student sport association of Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), is Norway’s largest sports association with 12,000 members.

SGDA 2013 is organized by Sintef, one of Europe’s largest independent research organizations, which has a joint strategy with NTNU and contracts research in technology, natural sciences, medicine and social sciences

Main topics of the conference theme

The recent re-emergence of serious games since 2002 has put the spotlight on the concept of games designed for a serious purpose other than pure entertainment. To date the major applications of serious games include engineering, education and training, healthcare, military applications, city planning, production, crisis response, and cultural heritage. Serious games have primarily been used as a tool that gives players a novel way to interact with games in order to promote physical activities, to learn skills and knowledge, to support social-emotional development, to treat different types of psychological and physical disorders, etc. Many recent studies have identified the benefits of using video games in a variety of serious purposes. Since games technology is inexpensive, widely available, fun and entertaining people of all ages, if combine with conventional methodologies in many application domains, it could provide a powerful means of encouraging people more effectively in designated activities.

The Conference is supported by SINTEF, the GALA Network of Excellence for Serious Games,IFIP WG 14.8 (Working Group on Serious Games), NTNU-Trondheim (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), BIBA, University of Bremen, Glasgow School of Art, INESC-ID, Technical University of Lisbon, and University of Derby.

Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

· Serious games for education and training

· Serious games for medicine, health, and health care

· Applied serious games in business and industry, management, entrepreneurship, economics, and advertisement

· Case studies of industrial and scientific applications of games in engineering, military, production, crisis response, public policy, cognition, psychology, communication, decision making, environmental issues, sociology, international studies, peace and conflict studies, organization studies, cultural heritage, etc.

· Serious games in mobile computing applications and social networks

· Impact games, serious games synergy with social games, serious games for social awareness/understanding

· Serious game design, game study, game theories

· Narrative theory, content development, and digital storytelling in serious games

· Evaluation and assessment of serious games

· Empirical studies of serious games, skill transferability

· Serious gaming; post-experience analysis; role-play; LARP games, game play

· Technology trends of serious game development, architecture, implementations, game engines, etc.

· Emerging game technologies and their applications in serious games, e.g. p2p network and cloud computing

· HCI of serious games: haptic devices, natural language interface, motion caption, brain-computer interface, etc.

· User modelling and intelligent adaptation in serious games

· Artificial intelligence in serious games

· Gamification in education, business, and other fields

· Graphics and art in serious games, and its impacts on the application domains, e.g. cultural heritage

· Sound and audio research in relation to serious games

· Virtual reality / augmented reality gaming, 3D visualisation, virtual environments

Publication process

Authors are invited to submit extended abstracts of 1500 words for peer-review on a wide variety of topics related to Serious Games. The accepted abstracts are invited for full manuscripts in one of the following categories: full papers (a maximum of 14 pages), and case studies/short papers (6 pages). Submitted papers must be original work, and may not be under consideration for another conference or journal. Accepted papers, case studies and posters will appear in proceedings distributed at the conference and available electronically. Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their work at the conference.

We propose to publish the conference proceedings in the Springer prestigious Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series, as we did previous years for SGDA 2011 and 2012. Final manuscripts must be in Springer LNCS format.

Publishing schedule

Submission deadline extended abstract (1200-1500 words): 30 April 2013

Notification of acceptance: 10 May 2013

Final Manuscript due: 10 June 2013

Author registration (early bird registration) deadline: 1 July 2013

Conference dates (SGDA): 25-27 September 2013

Conference organization

Conference Chairs

· Prof. Bjorn Andersen, NTNU, Norway

· Dr. Tim March, James Cook University, Australia

· Dr. Minhua Ma, Glasgow School of Art, UK

LNCS Proceedings Editors

· Dr. Minhua Ma, Glasgow School of Art, UK

· Dr. Manuel Fradinho Oliveira, Sintef, Norway

· Dr. Sobah Petersen, Sintef, Norway

· Jannicke Baalsrud Hauge, BIBA, Germany

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