CfP: 4th Vienna Games Conference Future and Reality of Gaming – F.R.O.G. 2010

4th Vienna Games Conference Future and Reality of Gaming – F.R.O.G. 2010


Vienna’s annual Games Conference FROG offers an open and international platform for leading game studies researchers and scholars, game designers, education professionals and gamers from around the world. The main objective of FROG 10 is to explore the relations between gaming, society and culture and to discuss insights into how to think ahead and beyond common limits of theory and practice of game and play. FROG 2010 is jointly organized by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth, the City of Vienna, wienXtra, the University of Vienna and the Danube-University Krems.

The Vienna Games Conference is a key element of the “Game-City”. In 2010 the City of Vienna hosts the high profile event “Game-City” for the fourth time, bringing together representatives of the games industry, non-profit organizations, academia and the general public to enjoy and discuss the current state of computer games, digital youth cultures and games research. The background and framework programme of the Game-City offer the unique opportunity for the speaker, contributors and visitors of FROG to meet and discuss in the magnificent Vienna city hall.

Conference Theme: “GAME\\PLAY\\SOCIETY”
Computer games abandoned their reclusion on our screens and invaded our world, society and culture. While in its beginning the digital form of play was restricted to a specific circle of gamers, today we find people of all ages and personal circumstances playing computer games in almost every part of the public. Furthermore we play with our computers, dedicated game systems, mobile phones or handhelds and extravagate the boarders between different territories of our culture. Thereby the relation between play, society and culture is transforming and novel potentials and possibilities but also questions, challenges and problems arise. This year the FROG Conference will focus on questions, challenges and innovation exploring the relation of games, playing, society and culture. The organizers seek proposals covering all aspects of cutting-edge research on digital gaming, gaming culture, game studies, therapy and economy within or across academic disciplines.

We encourage participation from a wide range of disciplines including Education, Psychology, Computer Science, Cultural Anthropology, Fine Arts, Human-Computer Interaction, Media and Communication Studies, Philosophy, Social Science, etc.

Submissions are welcome on a wide range of topics, such as:

  • Game Studies & Game Design
    • Innovative forms of gaming (e.g. Alternative Reality Games)
    • Innovations in game design, development and production
    • New forms of interactivity and revolutionary game interfaces
  • Learning & Education
    • Methodology of exploring learning
    • New challenges of media literacy & playing across generations
    • Teaching through digital games
  • Consumption & Use & Culture
    • Game, gaming and gamer cultures (e.g. eSports, Modding, Clans)
    • Community building and (self-)regulation
    • Games and social change
    • Barrier-free playing and learning / Inclusion and exclusion & Protection of minors & youth policies
  • Economy & Industry
    • Economical challenges and trends
    • The rise of independent games (e.g. casual games, art games)
    • Games as Social Software (e.g. XBox Live, Facebook)
  • Therapy
    • Games as therapeutically tools
    • Play as an expression of needs, beliefs and values
    • Questions of violence, addiction, etc. …

Abstract Submission:
All authors are invited to submit an abstract of research (as an anonymized doc.file) work relating to the FROG 2010 subject of “Game, Play, Society” in either English or German. Authors are required to submit their abstracts online at: no later than 15 May 2010. In the forms of:

PRESENTATIONS: In assignment to the FROG topics authors are required to submit profound extended abstract outlining the thesis and methodology of the paper abstracts (1000-1200 words) for their talks (30 min.).

FROGA KUCHA: This is the Viennese Version of Pecha Kucha but limited to 10 mini-presentations in a row, in which you show 20 slides, each for 20 seconds. The images forward automatically and you talk along…. and the audience will give immediate Austrian-like feedback: “Muhh or Juhu”! (6’40” – Abstracts 300-500 words).

FROG GAME: FROG is searching for its own game. Submit a game that can be played by the participants of the FROG 2010. The game can either (a) last for the whole conference or just fill a short session at the FROG Conference Dinner (b). The only limits are: It has to be good; it should not cost more than 1.500(a)/500(b) Euro (for material, equipment, etc.); it should be technically accomplishable and ethical. (Abstracts 1000-1200 words)

All abstracts will be reviewed and judged on originality, quality and relevance to the Conference. All accepted abstracts will be printed in a book of abstracts, which will be distributed during the Conference. Authors of accepted abstracts (for regular presentations) will be invited to prepare a full paper for publication in the printed proceedings of FROG 2010

Important Dates:

  • Abstract submission: 15 May 2010
  • Notification: 07 June 2010
  • Conference: 24-26 September 2010
  • Full paper: October 2010

Registration for the Conference & Conference Fee:

  • Early bird: 07 June – 27 July 2010
  • Registration: 28 July – 24 September 2010
  • Conference fee: € 120,- / Early bird: € 100
  • Conference fee for students & staff members of youth organizations: € 50,- / Early Bird: € 35
  • The registration fees includes admission to all sessions, a printed copy of the Book of Abstracts, coffee breaks, lunch on 25 September, the Conference Dinner and the Gamers’ Party.

For any questions, please contact or visit the Conference website

The FROG is held in partnership with the 3rd International Games Conference Cologne “Clash of Realities”, 21-23 April 2010,

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