CfP: AAAI Workshop on Knowledge Extraction from Games

Workshop on Knowledge Extraction from Games (KEG 2018)

Workshop website: <>

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## A Workshop at the Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-18)

February 2 or 3, 2018

New Orleans, Louisiana USA

## Call for Papers

*Knowledge Extraction from Games* (KEG) is a new workshop exploring questions of and approaches to the mechanical extraction of *knowledge* from games meant for humans—including but not limited to game rules, character graphics, environment maps, music and sound effects, high-level goals or heuristic strategies, transferrable skills, aesthetic standards and conventions, or abstracted models of games.
It includes and expands on the mandate of a recent vision paper at Computational Intelligence in Games (CIG 2017), [Automated Game Design Learning](

Important Dates:

– October 13: Submissions due to organizers (by AAAI policy, this is a *strict* deadline)
– November 9: Notifications to authors
– November 16: Return camera-ready papers to organizers

Games provide useful structuring information for many reasoning tasks and therefore provide interesting environments for knowledge extraction and specification recovery.
Some examples of work that would be appropriate for KEG include:

– Contextual query-answering in games where non-player characters (or visual cues in environment design) offer hints to solve problems
– Extracting architectural information from game level layouts
– Transfer learning, analogical reasoning, or goal reasoning within or between games or game levels
– Game-playing agents which can explain their own actions or policy in terms of the game’s rules
– Learning the rules of a game from observation, or learning higher-level rules or goals automatically
– Determining a designer or player’s mental model of game rules, and whether that differs from the rules induced by the game’s implementation

KEG unifies these research areas and communities whose goals overlap but whose work mostly proceeds in parallel–planning, general (video) game playing, knowledge representation and reasoning, knowledge extraction, goal reasoning, computer-aided design, and others.
We also hope to include subject experts in game design and criticism; their deep knowledge of the creation and analysis of these highly emergent dynamical systems could inform knowledge representation and problem formulation.

KEG will accept a mix of two types of papers (references are not counted against page limits):

– Full papers are up to 6 pages and are expected to be accompanied by some evaluation or formal proof
– Short papers are between 3 and 4 pages, showing promising new directions, nascent ideas, or new applications of existing work

All papers should be submitted to [EasyChair]( in [AAAI format]( and will be subject to double-blind review (so, please take care to anonymize your submissions).

Given recent successes applying proceduralist readings and operational logics to problems in this area, we are especially keen to receive submissions from game designers or game critics on potentially mechanizable formalisms for knowledge representation and reasoning, either in the short paper category or as full papers (if accompanied, for example, by formal semantics or an evaluated implementation).  We also welcome (especially in the short paper format) surveys or reframings of existing work in related fields reoriented towards (video)games.

KEG 2018 is dedicated to a harassment-free workshop experience for everyone.  Our anti-harassment policy can be found on the workshop’s website.

## Organizing Committee

– [Joseph C. Osborn](, University of California, Santa Cruz
– [Adam Summerville](, University of California, Santa Cruz
– [Matthew Guzdial](, Georgia Tech

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