ACM ITS is the premier venue for research in the design, development and use of new and emerging interactive surface technologies. ACM ITS 2015 welcomes original, high-quality research and industry contributions that advance the state-of-the-art in the area of interactive surfaces (including tabletops, large displays, mobile, and mini devices). The conference embraces innovations in a wide variety of areas including design, software, hardware, understanding of use, and applications or deployments of interactive surfaces. This year’s event will be held at the Vidamar Resort Madeira hotel on the wonderful island of Madeira in Portugal.
Call for Participation: Papers & Notes
ACM Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS) 2015
Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
November 15-18, 2015
Important Dates:
– July 3, 2015 5:00 p.m. PDT: Deadline for initial submissions
– August 21, 2015 : Notifications
– Sept 11, 2015: Camera-ready deadline
Paper Submissions:
We invite submissions of papers (max 10 pages) and notes (max 4 pages) of two possible types: (i) basic research and (ii) application (read on for an explanation of the difference).
All papers and notes must be submitted as a single PDF file in the ACM SIGCHI format ( through the ITS submission system (available in May 2015). Authors are also encouraged to submit supplementary materials such as video or data.
Papers and notes will undergo a high-quality peer-review process by a committee of internationally recognised experts (see program committee members below) and successful submissions will be presented at the conference, included in the conference proceedings, and archived in the ACM Digital Library. ITS does not accept submissions of archived publications or submissions that are currently under review for other venues. Papers and notes go through the same review process.
Notes (both basic research and application) must report complete work, but with a more focused and succinct contribution than for papers. For more details on basic research and application papers see our website
ITS 2015 will have a “Best of ITS” awards program, in accordance with SIGCHI guidelines. Upto 5% of submissions may receive “Honorable Mentions” and the top 1% of submission may receive “Best Paper/Note” awards.
To celebrate ITS 10th anniversary we especially invite that “look back” at the past research conducted in the area of interactive surface technologies. We warmly invite papers that revisit certain topics important to the field of ITS and provide a historic perspective on the field. These papers can be either submitted to the basic research or the application paper track. In addition, a “most impact” award will be made to a paper or note presented at a previous ITS conference.
Basic Research Papers and Notes:
Basic research papers must present original, innovative, and forward-looking research. Such submissions correspond to the standard contributions of scientific track of most human-computer interaction conferences.
Application Papers and Notes:
Application papers and notes are a vehicle for industrial and academic authors to describe successful demonstrations of how surface interaction has been applied to real-world problems and in contexts beyond research labs, but without necessarily including original software, hardware, interaction techniques, or a formal study. For example, industry members can submit papers to share customer outcomes and iterative improvements over next-best alternatives.
Application papers are published in the same format and way as basic research papers (will be presented during the main conference program, archived in the ACM Digital Library, and are free to publish), the review processes for application and basic research papers and notes will be different. For more information see
Topic Areas:
The conference welcomes contributions on a wide range of topics relating to interactive surfaces, including (but not limited to):
– Applications and/or evaluations of interactive surfaces in specific domains (public spaces, education, business, entertainment, health, homes, etc.)
– Accessibility of interaction surfaces
– Gesture-based interfaces
– Multi-modal interfaces
– Tangible interfaces
– Large display interfaces and multi-display environments
– Novel interaction techniques and technologies
– Information visualization/data presentation
– Software engineering methods and frameworks
– Computer supported collaborative work
– Virtual reality and augmented reality
– Social protocols
– Hardware, including sensing and input technologies with novel capabilities
– Human-centered design and methodologies
Review Process:
Authors should submit papers in the form that they would like to have published. Papers and notes will be reviewed by at least two external reviewers and two members of the program committee, although Incomplete or out-of-scope submissions will be desk-rejected without review. After the review cycle a submission will receive either a “Conditional Accept”, or “Reject” decision. Some author of conditionally accepted papers may be invited to make significant revisions.
Submission Information:
Submissions should use the format shown in the conference template. Submissions should be converted to PDF and uploaded to the Precision Conference system at by 5:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time on July 3, 2015. The PCS system will be open for uploading submissions beginning in May 2015. Application and basic research papers should be submitted to different tracks.
When appropriate (such as for submissions introducing novel systems or interaction techniques), authors are encouraged to submit a supplementary video file (not to exceed 3 minutes in length and 50 MB in size).
All submissions should be anonymized for double-blind review. This means that your paper and any supplementary video materials should have authors’ names and affiliations removed and should avoid obvious identifying features. Citations to your own relevant work should not be anonymous, but please cite such work without identifying yourself as the author. For example, say “Prior work by Smith et al. [1]” instead of “In my prior work.”
Confidentiality of submitted material will be maintained. Upon acceptance, the titles, authorship, and abstracts of papers and notes will be published online in the advance program. Submissions should contain no information or material that will be proprietary or confidential at the time of publication, and should cite no publication that will be proprietary or confidential at that time. Final versions of accepted Papers and Notes must be formatted according to the instructions we provide. Copyright release forms must be signed for inclusion in the proceedings and in the ACM Digital Library.
Other Submission Types:
Please also consider submissions to further ITS 2015 submission categories with later deadlines and separate calls including:
Demos, Posters, Workshops, Tutorials, Doctoral Symposium
Program Co-Chairs:
Johannes Schöning, Hasselt University, Belgium
Patrick Olivier, Newcastle University, UK
General Chairs:
Nuno Nunes (M-ITI, Portugal)
Enrico Costanza (University of Southampton, UK)
Program Committee:
Jason Alexander (Lancaster University, UK)
Craig Anslow (University of Calgary, Canada)
Tom Bartindale (Newcastle University, UK)
Andrea Bellucci (University of Madrid, Spain)
Hrvoje Benko (Microsoft, USA)
Florian Block (Harvard, USA)
Anke Brock (INRIA, France)
Pedro Campos (M-ITI, Portugal)
Raimund Dachselt (TU Dresden, Germany)
Florian Daiber (DFKI, Germany)
Hans Gellersen (Lancaster University, UK)
Nicholas Graham (Queen’s University, Canada)
Mark Hancock (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Jonathan Hook University of York, UK)
Petra Isenberg (INRIA, France)
Tobias Isenberg (INRIA, France)
Joaqium Jorge (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Judy Kay (University of Sydney, Australia)
Ahmed Kharrufa (Reflective Thinking, UK)
David Kim (Microsoft, USA)
Gudrun Klinker (TU Munich, Germany)
Hideki Koike (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
Werner König (University of Applied Science Worms, Germany)
Roberto Martinez-Maldonado (University of Sydney, Australia)
Nicolai Marquardt (UCL, UK)
Clemens Nylandsted Klokmose (Aarhus University, Denmark)
Alex Olwal (Google X, USA)
Aaron Quigley (University of St. Andrews, UK)
Harald Reiterer (University of Konstanz, Germany)
Yvonne Rogers (UCL, UK)
Anne Roudaut (University of Bristol, UK)
Stacey Scott (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Bruce Thomas (University of South Australia, Australia)
Edward Tse (SMART, Canada)
Simon Völker (RWTH Aachen, Germany)
Andy Wilson (Microsoft, USA)