
CfP: AmGam’11: First International Workshop on Ambient Gaming, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

AmGam’11: First International Workshop on Ambient Gaming
November 16, 2011, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Hosted by the AmI-11 conference


Submission deadline: August 8, 2011

Further details after the jump

‘Ambient games’ are innovative game designs incorporating ambient intelligence characteristics, such as context-awareness, personalization, adaptation and anticipation. They may lead to new player experiences, for instance by allowing players to (inter)act freely, without being allocated by a computer screen or device, by using information coming from sensors or actuators. Ambient games support casual play, allowing play and games to be seamlessly integrated with daily activities. Ambient gaming implies taking the everyday stuff of life and turning it into a game, and yet that gaming is not limited to a single device at a single time, but is intertwined with everyday life.

In this First International Workshop on Ambient Gaming (AmGam’11) we intend to discuss various issues regarding this new and emerging field of research from different perspectives (game design, games research and technology) and uncover the challenges and opportunities of ambient technology for play and games in various contexts. We aim to come to a strategy and research agenda in the field of Ambient Gaming for the forthcoming years.

To participate
We invite researchers, designers and technologists who are active in the field of ambient gaming and playful interaction to submit a position paper (max. 4 pages). The paper should describe your area of research, your contribution to the field and your specific interest in the topic of ambient gaming. Topics may include, but are not limited to:

Game Design
Novel interaction concepts
Pervasive games for education
Alternate reality games
Playful persuasion
Serious games
Games for health and well-being
Tools and metrics for evaluation
3D games and other game experience
Business models and validation

Game Technology:
Human Behaviour Analysis (Emotion recognition, Activity recognition, etc)
Social behavior analysis
Sensor and actuator technologies
Hardware architectures and controllers
Intelligent interactive environments
Entertainment robots
Social robotics
Wearable sensors

Position papers should be formatted according to the Springer format and submitted through our workshop submission website (https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=amgam11) before July 25, 2011.
All position papers will be peer-reviewed by an international program committee. We intend to select a number of workshop papers to be revised for publication in a special issue of a relevant journal.

Important dates
Submission position papers: Aug 8, 2011
Notification of acceptance: September 19, 2011
Camera-ready papers: will be announced

Janienke Sturm (Eindhoven University of Technology / Fontys University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands)
Stine Liv Johansen (Aarhus University, Denmark)
Mark de Graaf (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)
Ben Schouten (Eindhoven University of Technology / Fontys University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands

More information

Janienke Sturm: j.sturm@tue.nl

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