
CfP: (and reviewers) Press Start: New student game studies journal

Press Start (http://press-start.gla.ac.uk) is a new peer-reviewed, open access journal of game studies, run by HATII at the University of Glasgow and due for launch in October this year. Reviewers and editorial board members are comprised entirely of students and recent graduates.
The editorial board invites submissions from undergraduate and postgraduate students (and from those who have graduated within the last year), from any discipline and from any higher education institution. This policy acknowledges the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary nature of game studies, and the growing international interest in this area. It is also important to note that, in addition to welcoming submissions from students on game design and development courses, we are interested in any academic work that relates to video games. Increasingly, students from more established disciplines (including, but not limited to, Psychology, Philosophy, Sociology, Film and Television, Literature, History, Computing Science and History of Art) elect to write essays and dissertations on a game-related topic that intersects with their primary discipline: Press Start is an ideal venue for the publication of such work.

Submitting work to the journal is also an excellent opportunity to hone your writing skills, as you’ll receive feedback on your writing from at least two of your peers. Submissions may be based on a piece of work you’ve already written for your course, or you may opt to write an original piece for submission to the journal. See our Section Polices (http://press-start.gla.ac.uk/index.php/press-start/about/editorialPolicies#sectionPolicies) to find out about the range of submissions we accept, which includes shorter ‘think pieces’ and reviews. If you’d like to submit a paper, please register as an author (http://press-start.gla.ac.uk/index.php/press-start/user/register) and join our Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/PressStartJournal/).

** Call for reviewers **

As noted above, our reviewers are fellow students. We are keen to attract participants from a variety of disciplines: if you’re currently a student and have an academic interest in games, please get in touch with the editor (Matthew.Barr@glasgow.ac.uk) or join the Facebook group to find out more about becoming a reviewer. Working as a reviewer is another great opportunity to develop critical skills and gain experience of working as part of a team (remotely, for the most part) – great for the CV!

You can also follow Press Start on Twitter: https://twitter.com/PS_Journal and please feel free to circulate this call for papers as widely as possible!


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