Note that this conference takes place among the larger Congress for the Humanities and Social Sciences – a grand week of research conferences to which you could choose to attend as well!
The full CFP can be found here:
A short preview of the theme (“@ the edge”): “For this year’s CGSA conference we invite proposals that address edges — what and who constitute the ‘edge’ of game studies? What questions and inquiries address the periphery?”
Who: graduate students, post-docs, professors-researchers and lecturers working on or around video games
What: annual conference of the CGSA (Canadian Game Studies Association)
Where: Victoria, British Columbia
When: June 4 and 5, 2013
How: proposals of 500 words before Friday, January 11th, 2013
Why: thinking collectively, exchanging and staying up-to-date on the issues of edges and boundaries of games research