Workshop website:
In conjunction with CHI 2016, San Jose, CA, USA (
The goals of our one-day CHI 2016 workshop are to:
* Strengthen and broaden the community of pervasive play researchers and practitioners,* Explore design frameworks for creating novel pervasive play experiences, and* Identify key research questions, methods, and challenges for future research in this area.
For more details, go to
To participate, please submit a 2-3 page summary (CHI Extended Abstracts format) to that includes the following elements:
* Research summary: a 1-page summary of your research* Superpowers: A short description of your superpowers* Inspirational Articles: a list of 1-3 suggested articles, books, performances, or other works that have inspired you in the area of pervasive play.
(◔_◔) Check Here for more details on how to participate!
One author is required to attend the workshop and to register for both the workshop and at least one day of the conference (
Early Submission Deadline: December 17, 2015
Early Notification: December 21, 2015
Submission Deadline: January 13, 2016
Notification to Authors: January 15, 2016
Camera-Ready Papers: February 12, 2016 (5pm PDT)
Workshop: May 7 or May 8, 2016 (TBA)
—- THEMES —-
We have organized our workshop themes under the following three categories:
* Theory Development
– Frameworks describing core characteristics, mechanics, and genres of pervasive play
– Research methods for studying pervasive play
– Theoretical constructs related to pervasive play and related concepts
– Historical roots of pervasive play
– Comparative analyses of pervasive games & play
– Narratological perspectives on transmedia design
* Design
– Mobile and augmented reality technologies that support context-aware games
– Design of interactive wearable technologies that extend social and spatial boundaries of existing games and play experiences
– Novel interaction techniques appropriate for pervasive play
– Game mechanics and design patterns that support pervasive games and play experiences
– Pervasive game teardowns and case studies
– Techniques for developing and prototyping pervasive play experiences
– Toolkits for supporting pervasive play experiences
– Application areas for pervasive play with positive social, physical, scientific, or educational purposes
– Opportunities and challenges that arise from bringing pervasive games into everyday life
– International and cross-cultural perspectives on pervasive play
* Society
– Application areas for pervasive play with positive social, physical, scientific, or educational purposes
– Opportunities and challenges that arise from bringing pervasive games into everyday life
– International and cross-cultural perspectives on pervasive play
June Ahn (University of Maryland/HCIL Director, iSchool, and College of Ed)
Elizabeth Bonsignore (University of Maryland/HCIL and iSchool)
Derek Hansen (Brigham Young University/School of Technology)
Kari Kraus (University of Maryland/HCIL, iSchool, and Dept of English)
Carman Neustaedter (Simon Fraser University/Interactive Arts & Technology)
The workshop will be hosted in conjunction with CHI’16 on 7 or 8 May 2016, in San Jose (CA, USA) (
Hope to see you all there!