
CfP: CHI Workshop on Game User Research


CHI-GUR (Game User Research): Exploring Methodologies

Important Dates:
January 13, 2012 – Submissions Deadline
February 2, 2012 – Acceptance Notification
May 5-6, 2012 – Workshop

The workshop is scheduled as a 2-day workshop held at Austin, Texas; co-located with ACM CHI May 5-6, 2012. The workshop is intended to be a gathering of current game user experience practitioners and researchers.

The goal of the workshop is to expand our knowledge of the different methodologies currently in practice within the area of games user research as well as the utility and drawbacks of the different
methodologies in evaluating game design issues or gaining insight about the players’ experience. The outcome of the workshop will be a collection of lessons from the trenches and commonly used techniques published in a wiki-style forum publicly available. This will extend the discussion of topics beyond the workshop, and serve as a platform for future use.

More info after the jump

As we engage in user experience research, we make many experimental design decisions, lay out the conditions or issues we want to explore, select methods that can evaluate or measure the variables we
identified and can generate useful data or insights – in the hope that such research can lead to a better understanding of player experience and uncover game design issues. In this workshop, we will attempt to share knowledge on all these steps or methods by bringing together the community and initiate the dialogue focused on these two problems of (a) better understanding of player experience and (b) uncovering game design issues.

Workshop Organization
The workshop will be composed of a mix of presentations, panels, and breakout groups to discuss methodologies as they relate to the problems identified above. The first half-day will be presentations from participants. In the remainder of the first day and the second day we will focus on breakout sessions followed by group presentations deciphering what the group came up with. An expert panel to
disseminate the breakout sessions will follow this.

Submission Information
We ask interested participants to submit a short 3-4 page position paper outlining their perspective or experience in respect to methodologies they use to tackle the two problems identified above; including their expertise, the methods they use and why, and potentially a case study to make their position clear; plus a brief biography or alternatively a 30-60 second presentation video about themselves. Biographies and presentation videos will be displayed on the workshop website (http://hcigames.businessandit.uoit.ca/chigur/).

All submissions should be send via email to chigur@acagamic.com with the subject line: CHI2012Workshop Submission.

Submission Format
Please use the ACM CHI Extended Abstract format for your submissions:
Word Template, LaTeX New & Improved, LaTeX alternative files. See also the CfP online: http://goo.gl/ddkIa

Similar to CHI workshops in previous years, workshop attendees are required to register for at least one day of the full CHI conference, in addition to paying a fee for the workshop. Participants will soon be able to check conference rates on the CHI 2012 website. Keep in mind that only those who have had their position papers accepted will be able to attend this workshop. After acceptance, workshop
participants will be provided with a registration code by the workshop organizers, which will allow them to register for this workshop. It is our goal to disseminate the workshop results on this website as
detailed as possible.

Workshop Organizers
Magy Seif El-Nasr, Northeastern University
Heather Desurvire, Behavioristics, Inc.
Lennart Nacke, University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Anders Drachen, Aalborg University
Regina Bernhaupt, University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III
Katherine Isbister, NYU-Poly
Licia Calvi, NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences


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