
CfP: Colloque Genre et jeux vidéo (Gender and Videogames)

Colloquium on Gender and Videogames

12, 13, 14 June 2012
Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 – IUFM
Lyon, France


More info after the jump

Born in the 1960s, videogames matured in a few decades into a major cultural and economic phenomenon. In the meantime, the success they enjoy among teenagers has been fueling numerous controversies, conducted by non-practitioners and focusing mainly on the following topics: addiction, disconnection from reality, the conditioning of imaginaries.

Game studies have shown the limits of this “risk paradigm”, namely by scrutinizing the reality of gaming practices and the representations unfolding in videogames.

Furthermore, while gender forms the anthropological frame of the phenomena of subjectivation and objectivation specific to videogames, we might observe that, as far as French academia is concerned, this approach remains virtually unthinkable for scholarly analysis..

The main aim of this symposium is to investigate, in a perspective attuned to gender problematics, videogames themselves (content analysis, myth and saga studies, consideration of gaming categories) ; the modalities (technical, aesthetic, economic) of their production ; their reception (gamers and their practices, playful and subversive uses, discourses on videogames) ; the way they relate to other cultural products (film, literature, visual arts and so on).

Even if the relevance of some approaches seems self-evident (cultural studies, queer studies, aesthetics, communication studies, history, philosophy, ethnology, sociology, psychology), we encourage participation from a wide range of viewpoints. We are indeed convinced that game studies have to be built upon a plurality of approaches and methodologies. Hence, multidisciplinary proposals will be particularly appreciated.


300 word abstracts in French or in English (as well as a short CV) should be submitted by Friday 30th September 2011.

Announcement of accepted proposals will be made by the end of December. Further details will be provided at the time of acceptance

Please send your abstracts to :
fanny.lignon@univ-lyon1.fr and sonia.zinck@univ-lyon1.fr

Organising Commitee :

Mireille Baurens, ICAR, université Lyon1 – IUFM
Francis Bergé, université Lyon1 – IUFM
Sigolène Couchot-Schiex, ECP, université Lyon1 – IUFM
Fanny Gallot, LARHRA, université Lyon1 – IUFM
Annie Lechenet, Triangle, université Lyon1 – IUFM
Fanny Lignon, ARIAS, université Lyon1 – IUFM
Christine Morin-Messabel, GRePS, université Lyon1 – IUFM
Vincent Porhel, LARHRA, université Lyon1 – IUFM
Ingeborg Rabenstein-Michel, CR2A, université Lyon1 – IUFM
Herilalaina Rakoto-R., ECP, université Lyon1 – IUFM

Scientific Commitee :

Catherine Beavis
Professor of literacy and new media, Institute of Educational Research, Griffith University, Queensland .

Marc Curisuelo
PU études cinématographiques et audiovisuelles, université de Provence, LESA .

Elise Domenach
MCF études cinématographiques, ENS Lyon, CERCC .

Elsa Dorlin
MCF philosophie, université Paris 1, philosophies contemporaines, équipe EXeCO.

Laurent Jullier
PU études cinématographiques et audiovisuelles, université Nancy 2, IRCAV.

Sandra Laugier
PU philosophie, université Paris 1, philosophies contemporaines, équipe EXeCO.

Annie Lechenet
MCF philosophie, université Lyon 1 – IUFM, Triangle .

Raphaëlle Moine
PU études cinématographiques et audiovisuelles, université Nancy 2, IRCAV.

Bernard Perron
PU en études cinématographiques, Université de Montréal, Ludiciné .

Michelle Zancarini-Fournel
PU émérite d’histoire contemporaine, université Lyon 1, LARHRA, équipe genre et société.

Scientific coordination :

Fanny Lignon, MCF études cinématographiques et audivisuelles, université Lyon 1 – IUFM, ARIAS.

Organizer :

Mehdi Derfoufi, université Paris 3, LISAA.

Symposium homepage : http://web.lyon.iufm.fr/gem/jvd/

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