ACE – the leading scientific forum for dissemination of cutting-edge research and innovation in the area of entertainment computing is inviting the submission of creative showcases to its 11th conference to be held in Funchal, Madeira, 11-14 November, 2014.
Incorporating 9th International Conference on Digital Interactive Media in Entertainment and Arts (DIMEA)
Funchal, Madeira
11-14 November, 2014
The creative showcase session offers a stage for the brightest ideas, latest innovations, and most inspiring works of art in the digital interactive technology domain. Creative showcase submissions should seek to reflect upon our interaction with and through the world of digital data (by we, we refer to all members of the animal and plant kingdom, not just human beings) and provide a lens through which the future of digital entertainment can be gazed upon and contemplated.
Submission deadline: June 10, 2014, 23:59:59 Samoa Standard Time (UTC -11)
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Technologies and Interactions
* Virtual, augmented and mixed reality
* Ubiquitous and mobile computing
* Tangible, embedded, embodied and robotic interaction
* Affective, intuitive and locative media
* Smart gadgets and toys
* Sensors, actuators and novel input and output technologies
* Multimodal and full-body interaction
Theoretical, Social and Cultural Issues
* Ethics and values
* Aesthetics and poetics
* Game and play
* Funology, enjoyment and experience
* Inclusivity and accessibility
* Children, adolescents and Seniors
Content Creation Environments Processes and Methods
* Avatars and character expression
* Animation
* Music and sound
* Artificial Intelligence for games and media
* Hacking and Tinkering
Application Domains
* Urban and location based games and media
* Interactive art, dance and performances
* Sports, fitness and exertion games
* Education, learning and serious games
* Broadcasting, podcasting and smart media
* Soundscapes and musical expression
* Interactive and digital storytelling
* Museums and cultural heritage
* Advertising and marketing
* Pets, livestock and other life forms
The conference is held in-cooperation with the ACM SIGCHI and accepted submissions will be included in the conference proceedings and available via the ACM digital library.
Submission and Presentation
The work submitted should be described in a paper using ACM SIGCHI Extended Abstract format (maximum 4 pages). The paper should describe the underlying ideas and motivations for the work in sufficient detail to allow the reviewers to critically assess the potential contribution of the work. Authors are encouraged to take advantage of the pictorial nature of the Extended Abstract format in describing and illustrating their work
Creative showcase submissions will be subjected to a double blind peer review by a panel of domain experts. Authors are expected to anonymise their papers by removing all author and institutional identity from the title and header of the paper as well as any information embedded within the submission file. However all references must remain intact, i.e. submitted papers should not have blank references (e.g., “8. REMOVED FOR REVIEWING”). In cases where you build on (and cite) your own work we suggest you refer to yourself in the third person, for example ?This study builds on prior work by <author names> [8].?
Submission Requirements
1. Paper in ACM SIGCHI Extended Abstract format (maximum 4 pages) via EasyChair.
2. [Optional] Poster design in A0 size poster orientation
3. Video describing the work (5 minutes maximum)
4. A short document (in PDF format) describing the layout and technical requirements of the showcase, e.g. space, light, sound, etc.
Please compress items 2-4 into one (1) zip file and submit the zip file as an attachment.
Maximum size of submission should not exceed 50MB (paper + poster + video)
More detailed information can be found at
Hope to see you all in Funchal
The ACE 2014 organising committee