CfP: Digital Game. Anàlisi, issue 54, June 2016

We invite you to submit your paper on digital gaming, Game Studies or related disciplines focusing on digital game and gaming in all its theoretical dimensions and emerging applications. Video games are now a cultural industry of great economic importance, which in 2014 had a turnover of 996€ million in Spain (AEVI, 2015). Digital technologies promote a transformation in the practice of gaming and the role it plays in contemporary society. From a broader perspective, the monograph aims to accommodate the widest possible set of approaches and scope of interest around the phenomenon of digital game taking into account primarily but not exclusively the following topics:

Announcement URL:

Digital game industry
Digital gaming and ideology
Relations between gaming and the cultural ecosystem: film, television, comics and literature.
Emerging genres like e-sports
Gamers and Youtube
Music and video games: game music and sound play
Game literacy: Ludoliteracy
Ludofictional worlds in video games: semiotics, narrative and characters
Representation of the player and diversity
Advergaming or newsgame
Game Cultures: forms of social and recreational experiences
Productive relationships between players and devices (prosumers, mashups, modding)
Social perceptions about the digital game in today’s society by players and/or no players
Treatment of digital game in the media (potentialities, fear, moral panics, technological optimism …)

The original can be presented in Catalan, Castilian or English before January 15th. Publication is scheduled for June-July 2016.


Dani Aranda @darandaj

Jordi Sánchez-Navarro @jordisn

Antonio José Planells @antonplanells

Víctor Navarro-Remesal @VtheWanderer

Author Guidelines and Submissions


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