
CfP: Doctoral Consortium @FDG2015

FDG 2015 invites PhD students to apply to the Doctoral Consortium, a unique opportunity to present their work and receive feedback from fellow students and senior faculty in game research. The consortium will primarily benefit PhD students who are pursuing a career in academia and already have a clear topic and research approach, but are not so far along in their PhD that they can no longer make changes.

FDG 2015
Call for Doctoral Consortium Participation
Foundations of Digital Games 2015
June 22-25, 2015, Pacific Grove, CA

## At the Conference ##
Invited students are expected to attend both conference and consortium, which will take place in parallel to one conference day. At the consortium, invited students will give a 15 minute presentation on their work and receive detailed feedback from their peers and the consortium committee. They will also have opportunity to ask senior faculty about job market and publication strategies during two bespoke panels. Accepted doctoral consortium abstracts will appear in the conference proceedings, and students are invited to present a poster on their abstracts during the general conference poster session.

## How to Apply ##
To apply, submit a CV, a short letter explaining how you would benefit from the consortium and what questions you want to discuss (general and/or specific to your research), and a 3-page extended abstract describing your proposed research in the CHI Extended Abstract format (http://chi2015.acm.org/authors/format/#extendedformat). Your abstract should discuss:

1. Goals and research questions of your proposed PhD research
2. Why those goals are important, and for whom (background)
3. How you approach your topic (theoretical frame)
4. How you will conduct your research (method and data)
5. Current status/results of your project and future plans

Submit your abstract as a PDF via EasyChair to https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=fdg2015. Submit your CV and letter as a single PDF attachment together with your abstract on EasyChair.

The consortium committee will review all submissions, with a view to providing useful feedback. Approximately 6-8 students will be invited and receive scholarships that cover the conference registration.

## Important Dates ##
Extended abstract, CV and letter: February 27, 2015
Notification of results: March 13, 2015
Camera-ready abstract and poster: April 3, 2015

For more information, see http://fdg2015.org.

Any questions should be addressed to Sebastian Deterding, Doctoral Consortium chair, at: deterding {at} neu.edu.


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