
CfP e-virtuoses 2013 – International Scientific Symposium “Games for all purposes?


International Scientific Symposium “Games for all purposes? Appropriation, Repurposing and Rejection”

On 4 and 5 June 2013 in Valenciennes, during the “e-virtuoses” scientific convention, dedicated to the use of games and play (digital or not) for utilitarian purposes, we will host a scientific symposium entitled “Games for all purposes? Appropriation, Repurposing and Rejection “.

The objects of study will include in particular:
•Serious Game : the combination of a serious intention – education, information, communication, marketing, ideology, coaching or data collection – with a game including rules and targets.
•Serious Play the combination of a serious intention – education, information, communication, marketing, ideology, coaching or data collection – with a toy.
•Serious Gaming : the process of repurposing a game via all kinds of different methods, in order to offer activities that go beyond mere entertainment and that had not been initially intended by the author of the game.
• Gamification : use of game design to gamify objects and originally non-playful contexts.

These objects challenge the notions of prevention, training, knowledge assessment, coaching, communication, data collection, etc. in various fields such as education, healthcare, marketing, safety, culture…

More after the jump

The purpose of this Symposium is to present approaches, paradigms and feedbacks using theoretical frameworks and methodologies that help observe, measure and analyse the impact of these objects and of the resulting transformations: acceptance, appropriation, resistance, repurposing, rejection…

Different types of analyses can be suggested for different types of purposes, uses and scopes:
• Analysis of products
• Analysis of policies
• Analysis of designs
• Analysis of practices
• …

This Symposium is intended to encourage reflection that will be fuelled by inputs from various disciplines such as education, information and communication sciences, management, IT, neurosciences, psychology, sociology, medicine, arts…

The best contributions will be associated to publication projects in renowned scientific journals.

Tag words :
Serious Game, Serious Play, Serious Gaming, Gamification, Evaluation, Uses, Organisation, Transformation

Schedule :
• Paper submission (2,000 to 3,000 words): 15 April 2013
• Reading committee announcement of selected papers: 29 April 2013
• Symposium: 4 and 5 June 2013

The proposals submitted to the Scientific Committee may be:
• a long presentation (20 minutes and 10 minutes of questions & answers)
• a short presentation (10 minutes and 5 minutes of questions & answers)

Format :
The proposed papers may be submitted in English or in French in Word or PDF formats. Please follow the template included in the document Art-modèle-Impact SG-2012.doc downloadable here: http://bit.ly/xjCLye

Scientific committee :
Serge Agostinelli (Marseillle University, France)
Julian Alvarez (PRL CCI Grand Hainaut / Université Lille-Nord de France, France)
Sylvester Arnab (Coventry University, UK)
Per Backlund (University of Skövde, Sweden)
Raquel Becerril Ortega (Lille Nord de France University, France)
Philippe Bonfils (Sud Toulon-Var University, France)
Gilles Brougère (Paris 13 University – Sorbonne Paris Cité, France)
Pierre-André Caron (Lille Nord de France University, France)
Christophe Chaillou (Lille Nord de France University, France)
Damien Djaouti (Montpellier II University, France)
Pascal Estraillier (La Rochelle University, France)
Patrick Felicia (Waterford Institute of Technology, Irlande)
Maurizio Forte (University of Californie, USA)
Sara de Freitas (Conventry University, UK)
Abdelkader Gouaich (Montpellier University, France)
Sylvain Haudegond (PRL CCI Grand Hainaut)
Maurice Hendrix (Coventry University, UK)
Jean Heutte (Lille Nord de France University, France)
Pamela Kato (Utrecht Medical center University, Pays-Bas)
Catherine Kellner (Loraine University, France)
Christophe Kolski (Lille Nord de France University – UVHC, France)
Michel Lavigne (Castres University, France)
Sandy Louchart (Heriot Watt University, Ecosse)
Hélène Michel (Grenoble School of Management, France)
Denis Mottet (Montpellier University, France)
Louise Sauvé (Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada)
Gilson Schwartz (São Paulo University, Brasil)
Pascal Staccini (Nice-Sophia Antipolis University, Segamed, UMVF-UNF3S, France)
Franck Tarpin-Bernard (Grenoble University, France)
André Tricot (Toulouse University, France)
Philippe Useille (Lille Nord de France University – UVHC, France)

Partners :
CIREL, Université de Lille 1 – College Polytechnique – ARMIR – Pole Images – Conseil Régional Nord-Pas-De-Calais – CCI Grand HAINAUT – De Visu – GEM – SGI – University of Coventry – I3M – CREM – LARA – EXPERICE – Pictanova – Université Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Segamed, UMVF-UNF3S

Contact :
Julian Alvarez : j.alvarez@grandhainaut.cci.fr
Twitter : @evirtuoses

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