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CfP: Embarrassing Interactions: Unpacking the Relations of Games, Play, and Embarrassment (workshop @ DiGRA2014)

How does embarrassment facilitate or impede gameplay enjoyment? When is play embarrassing? Does the “magic circle” of play shield us from embarrassment, and if so, how and when – and what are its limits? Why do gamer culture and certain game genres (still) carry embarrassment-inducing stigma? What can studying games and play tell us about embarrassment writ large? And how might designers take embarrassment into account to make more enjoyable games – or facilitate reflection and change? This full-day workshop, held as part of DiGRA 2014, invites 15–20 researchers and designers to explore the linkages of embarrassment, play, and games through a mixture of gameplay and analysis, structured discussion, and breakout groups.

* Important Dates *
– May 25, 2014: Submission Deadline
– June 1, 2014: Notification of Acceptance
– August 3–6: Workshop (exact day tbd.)

We invite participants from all fields interested in the linkages between embarrassment, games, and play to submit position papers and/or relevant games to be played at the workshop. Position papers should be 2–4 pages in length in the DiGRA 2014 paper format. If you submit a game suggestion, you are expected to be willing to set up and run the game during the workshop. Papers and/or game suggestions are due by May 25, 2014 to the address digra2014@embarrassinginteractions.org. Find more information about submission and the workshop at the workshop site, http://embarrassinginteractions.org.



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