
CfP: EVE Online Workshop @ DiGRA 2013

Despite being released in 2003, the sci-fi massively multiplayer online game EVE Online has garnered little academic study. 2013 celebrated the 10th anniversary of EVE Online, in addition to surpassing 500,000 active subscriptions for the first time. In a number of important and fundamental ways, EVE is unique, and this uniqueness translates into the potential for interesting and innovative research. We believe that it will be invaluable to have a corpus of this research assembled together, to guide future research in this domain and emphasise the broader contributions EVE scholarship can make. Consequently, we’re delighted to invite you to contribute to an EVE Online workshop at the DiGRA 2013 conference, with the goal of discussing and outlining an ‘EVE Online Reader‘; an edited collection of EVE Online scholarship.

Enthusiastic interest in this project has been expressed from a high quality academic press. The abstracts submitted will form the foundations for the proposal to the publisher.

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: July 30
Notification of Acceptance: August 10
Workshop Date: TBC (during DiGRA; August 26-29)

Submission Process

We’re utilising the opportunity of a DiGRA workshop to have a collaborative discussion regarding the types of topics and research that the game studies community would like to see within an edited collection of EVE Online scholarship. This collection will entail 8-12 chapters involving research conducted on or through EVE Online. We hope that this also provides an early opportunity for co-contributors to provide feedback to each others intellectual work, and to ensure the production of a cohesive volume.

Consequently, we invite interested authors to submit 400-800 word abstracts outlining the chapter(s) you would like to contribute. This abstract should emphasise the empirical work (if any) that has already been completed, and methods used, in addition to indicating the proposed structure of the chapter. Further, we also request that the abstract highlights the contributions that this chapter can make to game studies or other fields.

These submissions will be circulated with the other authors attending the workshop, and serve to ground the discussion and direction of the edited collection.

Please email your 400-800 word abstracts, along with a short (100 word) bio, to digraeveworkshop@gmail.com.

Note: If you’re interested in contributing to this edited collection of EVE Online scholarship, but unable to attend the workshop at DiGRA 2013 in Atlanta, a separate CFP will be circulated. This will request 600-1,000 word abstracts, similarly structured. Please contact one of the editors to ensure you’re notified!

Image (C) CCP Games, used with permission.

EVE Workshop Banner for DiGRA - 960 x 260

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