
CfP: Experimental AI in Games Workshop (@AIIDE 2014)

The Experimental AI in Games (EXAG) workshop aims to foster and celebrate innovative applications of AI to all aspects of games and game development. EXAG solicits submissions of position papers arguing for new roles of AI in games, prototypes or works-in-progress of experimental applications of AI in games and game creation, and descriptions of new kinds of games and interactive experiences made possible with AI.

EXAG 2014 – Experimental AI in Games Workshop

October 4, 2014
Located at AIIDE 2014 in Raleigh, North Carolina

Submission deadline: July 10th, 2014

Broadly, EXAG is interested in:

* Fostering development of new games systems enabled by AI, like visualizing AI logic in Moonshot Games’ Third Eye Crime

* Cross-pollination from AI subfields not traditionally used in games, like computational linguistics or machine vision

* Employing traditional AI techniques in new ways that break genre conventions, like Left 4 Dead‘s drama management, or Black And White‘s learning creatures

* Better living through AI – improving game development and design through new and interesting applications of AI, from intelligent design tools to automated QA

The EXAG workshop will focus on presenting and discussing new directions and problems for AI in games and game creation. Submissions can and should support their positions or directions using forms of evidence including initial prototypes, thought experiments, and/or developed arguments. EXAG is running a demonstration track alongside its main track for games or tools which may be of interest to EXAG attendees.

EXAG will be held on October 4 (final date pending) and be co-located with the Artificial Intelligence in Interactive Digital Entertainment (AIIDE) 2014 conference located in Raleigh, North Carolina.

EXAG will also include the DAGGER event following the workshop. DAGGER is an evening event where local game developers and AIIDE attendees meet up to play and share their games and demos with each other, eat some food, and get to know each other. Submissions to the demonstration track will automatically be considered for inclusion in the DAGGER lineup – for other submissions or questions about demonstrating at DAGGER, contact Michael Cook – mike@gamesbyangelina.org


Workshop topics include, but are by no means limited to:

* New applications of AI to game design problems or game mechanics
* Full or prototype games demonstrating novel or experimental AI application
* Formal and computational models of game design and aesthetics
* AI-powered tools for expert and novice game design
* Applications of natural language processing and generation as game mechanics
* Interactive and intelligent narrative techniques
* New approaches to traditional game AI problems – agents, planning, narrative
* Automated game generation
* Procedural content generation in game development or as a game mechanic

We welcome submissions which push our understanding of the way in which AI can be
applied to or influence game design. The above topics are suggestive only!


Papers should be between 4 and 6 pages long, in the AAAI format:
with 1 additional page of references and acknowledgements only

Demonstration abstracts should be 1-2 pages long, also
in the AAAI format. They should include a link to the game or tool
where possible.

Submission of papers takes place via our EasyChair site:


Submission deadline – July 10, 2014
Author notification – July 28, 2014
Camera-ready deadline – August 11, 2014
EXAG 2014 – October 4, 2014

For up-to-date details on the workshop and the evening DAGGER event, please
visit our website:



Alex Zook – @zookae – zook.ae@gmail.com
Entertainment Intelligence Lab, Georgia Institute of Technology

Mike Cook – @mtrc – mike@gamesbyangelina.org
Computational Creativity Group, Goldsmiths, University of London

Program Committee announcements coming soon:

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