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CfP: FDG Workshop on game jams

Inviting authors to submit papers to the Foundations of Digital Games (FDG) 2019 Game jam workshop in San Luis Obispo, California, USA
They are planning a full day workshop which will include paper presentations, and talks, and will conclude with an analogue game jam.
They are seeking short papers (4 pages) and full papers (5-8 pages) on game jams. They also invite authors to submit an extended abstract (1 page) of talk proposals. The proceedings of the full and short papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library.  The abstracts of the talks will be published online.
Full and short paper submissions will need to be an anonymized PDF and use the current ACM format (ACM Master Template). Theey will require the source files (LaTeX folders or Word document)  for the camera ready copy. All submissions will be peer reviewed.
The workshop builds on previous FDG Workshops on game jams. They will discuss the various aspects of the game jams, directly or indirectly.
The scope includes but is not limited to:
  • Game jam attendance: who and why?
  • Learning in game jams
  • Community building
  • Design issues in game jams
  • Methods and processes
  • Tools and technologies
  • Game jam Impacts
Key Dates:
January 13 2019 – Call for participation
March 31 2019 – Submission deadline
April 26 2019 – Author notification
May 31 2019 – Camera Ready deadline
All submissions should be in the PDF format, use the ACM Master Template, and be submitted through EasyChair.
Any questions?
Contact: allan.fowler[at]kennesaw.edu

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