
CfP: Game Analytics Workshop @AAAI 2013

Important Dates:
Paper, Panel submissions: July 3rd
Acceptance notification: July 31st
The workshop’s goal is to gather industry professionals, researchers, practitioners and students interested in game analytics in order to share ideas, methods developed and open problems within the field. The workshop will focus on statistics, visualization, data mining, machine learning and other approaches with the purpose of analyzing and making sense of in-game behavior data. The workshop will serve as an anchor point for the formation of a knowledge network in the field, both for developing and applying techniques for game analytics.
The workshop is structured in three different types of sessions:
Panels and invited talks. Invited presentations of experts in the field from both industry and academia to share the methods they use and the pros and cons of the different methods. Submissions are expected to be between 1 and 2 pages (excluding references) in AAAI format, the deadline is July 3rd with a notification on July 31st.
Paper sessions. Position papers for new ideas and discussions of contributions to game analytics methods. Submissions are expected to be between 4 and 6 pages (excluding references) in AAAI format, the deadline is July 3rd with a notification on July 31st. Accepted papers will be invited to present and will be published as technical reports in the AAAI digital library.
Grand Challenge. A competition to find the most innovative and original analytic technique to explore different themes in particular game data sets provided by the organizers. Both themes and data sets will be made public in beginning of June 2013. Results are to be presented as reports of 2 to 4 pages and will be accepted till Sept 2013. The winners for each theme will be announced at the conference, but all authors of submissions will be invited to present their work during the Grand Challenge session.
Alessandro Canossa, Associate Professor PLAIT Lab, Northeastern University (a.canossa@neu.edu)
Magy Seif El-Nasr, Associate Professor, Northeastern University and Director of PLAIT Lab (magy@neu.edu)
Anders Drachen, Lead Game Analyst, Game Analytics & Associate Professor, Northeastern University (a.drachen@neu.edu)

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