
CfP: Game-HCI related work at CHI 2014

CHI 2014 is in Toronto this year. Work on games, interactive entertainment, interactive media, or computational media is welcome. The call for CHI 2014: http://chi2014.acm.org/authors.

Submission Topics:

We invite submission around many aspects of games and HCI, such as (but not limited to):
  • Player-oriented game development, including analysis, development and evaluation of all forms of games including (but not limited to) desktop games, mobile games, mixed reality games, exertion games, affective games, and serious games.
  • All aspects of design, development, and deployment of game and entertainment-focused virtual characters including avatars, non-player characters (NPCs), and embodied conversational agents (ECAs).
  • Designing motivational user experiences via the application of game design methods, tools, and elements (e.g., Gamification).
  • Use of games as novel methodological platforms or research methods.
  • Entertainment computing systems, platforms and applications at the intersection of humans and machines.
  • Design, development and evaluation of entertainment applications including interactive TV, multimedia and interactive applications for media and entertainment use whenever, wherever, and on whatever device.
  • Assessment and evaluation of the use of games for societal gain, such as health, fitness, education, science, training or other.

Important Dates

The Games & Entertainment Spotlight at CHI 2014

Games and Entertainment is a featured community. Games and Entertainment are part of our daily lives, and represent a growing segment of practice for our field. In contrast to work-oriented information systems, games and entertainment applications are not necessarily task oriented; successful user experience in games transcends and sometimes even contradicts traditional usability guidelines. Player-centered development requires adjustment of existing design and evaluation methods and development of new ones. There is much to learn from current commercial game and entertainment design and evaluation practice and game research community, that has broad relevance to the CHI community.
Spotlight co-chairs:
  • Magy Seif El-Nasr, Northeastern University, USA
  • Heather Desurvire, User Behavioristics, Inc., USA
  • Lennart Nacke, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada
You can contact us at games@chi2014.acm.org, if you have questions about games submissions.
Also visit us on Facebook [link to https://www.facebook.com/groups/244736775667232/]
Types of Submissions
Submissions about games and entertainment are appropriate in any of the following forums. We especially encourage you to submit interesting case studies that illustrate how innovative game techniques were used in specific projects that have broad implications. We urge you to submit material to one or more of the following forums:
  • Courses
  • Papers & Notes
  • Workshops
  • Panels
  • Case Studies
  • Work-in-Progress
  • Special Interest Group meetings
  • Interactivity
  • Videos
  • alt.chi
If you are a student, also consider entering the Student Games Competition.

Preparing your Submission

You must prepare your submission in the format that is required for each type of submission. Please use the term “games”, “gaming” or “entertainment”? in the title, abstract, or author’s keywords to help us get it to qualified reviewers. You can contact us at games@chi2014.acm.org, if you have questions about games submissions. We encourage you to check the due dates, read the requirements for your submission ideas, and start now, if you haven’t already.
Being a reviewer
Due to the need to include more Game-HCI content into CHI, we will need reviewers who are experts in this area. Thus, I would urge you to add yourself as a reviewer, through the PCS system: https://precisionconference.com/~sigchi/

Become a DiGRA Member

Join the premier international association for professionals, academics, developers and other individuals interested in the evolving fields of digital gaming and game studies.