The Society for Cinema and Media Studies’ Video Game Studies Scholarly Interest Group invites game scholars from all disciplines to propose papers on game studies and related topics for the SCMS 2016 conference, Wednesday, March 30th to Sunday, April 3rd at the Hilton Atlanta, GA. The full SCMS call for papers can be found here:
If you plan on proposing a pre-constituted panel or workshop and are looking for additional presenters, please send us your panel topic, a short description, a deadline for submissions, and your contact info no later than Friday, July 24th to
Once we have compiled the proposed panel topics, we will circulate the full list among our membership and on game studies listservs. In the event of overlapping panel topics, we will notify the organizers prior to distributing the list, in case they wish to join forces.
Panel organizers must submit their panel proposals via the SCMS Application Portal ( before the final deadline of Friday, August 28th. It will be up to panel organizers to notify all applicants as to whether their paper proposals have been accepted, leaving unsuccessful applicants enough time that they may choose to submit individual paper proposals.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The VGSSIG is not responsible for submitting proposals to SCMS, and is not involved in the review process. This process simply helps connect panel organizers and presenters, as a way of encouraging game scholars to attend SCMS. We’ve had great success with this in the past — the number of games-related papers and panels has grown exponentially in the last few years!