
CfP: GameDays 2011, Serious Games for Training, Education, Health and Sports

GameDays 2011, Darmstadt, September 12-13
Serious Games for Training, Education, Health and Sports


The GameDays have been established in 2005 as “Science meets Business” event in the field of Serious Games, taking place on annual basis in Darmstadt, Germany. The principle aim is to bring together academia and industry and to discuss the current trends, grand challenges and potentials of Serious Games for different application domains. Since 2010, the academic part has been emphasized resulting in a first Int’l workshop on Serious Games for Sports and Health with workshop proceedings and a special edition with selected papers in the Int’l Journal for Computer Science in Sport (URL: http://www.iacss.org/index.php?id=30). This year, the spectrum of topics is broadened and the different facets, methods, concepts and effects of game-based learning and training are covered as well.

Scientists and practitioners are cordially invited to present their latest research achievements and best-practice results and to submit full papers (e.g., surveys, new research approaches including related work, new concepts and at least first user studies), short papers (e.g. best-practice results or new ideas and concepts, not necessarily proven with an evaluation study), demo papers (description of games, products and prototypes) or poster presentations (new ideas, research approaches, etc.).

Topics include, but are not limited to:

Theory & Technology:
Scientific methods and concepts for
– cost-effective production (authoring tools, support for non-programmers)
– evaluation (effectiveness, efficiency, research tools, effect models)
– personalization and adaptation (player, gamer, context models, presentation and gameplay, planning and AI)
– collaborative learning and training (multiplayer serious games, game mastering, games and social networks)
– narration and (interactive, digital) storytelling
– interfaces and sensor technology (game consoles and interfaces, vital sensors and parameters)
– (multiplayer) browser and mobile games and game technology

– business models and market studies for/of Serious Games
– grand challenges and obstacles for game developers and publisher (to invest into Serious Games)

Best-Practice & Application Domains:
– field reports, demonstrations and evaluation studies of Serious Games for ..
— prevention, rehabilitation and therapy in the field of sports and health
— any forms of learning and knowledge transfer ranging from games for the kindergarten to games at school and university or professional training and learning environments for individuals or groups
– ..this includes research prototypes and commercial games ‘more than fun’

Important Dates:
– Paper submission due: June 15, 2011
– Notification of acceptance: July 15, 2011
– Camera ready version: August 15, 2011
– Conference: September 12-13, 2011
– Conference venue: Congress Center of Darmstadt, http://www.darmstadtium.de

Paper Submission
– full papers: 8-12 pages
– short and demo papers: 4-6 pages
– poster presentations: 2-3 pages
– format/template: International Journal of Computer Science in Sport (http://www.iacss.org/index.php?id=39).
– paper submissions will be accepted via email only (see below), required formats: MS Word and Adobe PDF
– all papers will be reviewed by a Scientific Committee (at least three reviews per submission)

Contact & Paper Submission
– Dr. Stefan Göbel (TU Darmstadt, Multimedia Communication Lab, Serious Games), +49 6151 16 6149
– Prof. Dr. Josef Wiemeyer (TU Darmstadt, Institute for Sport Science), +49 6151 16 2861
– gamedays2011@kom.tu-darmstadt.de
– http://www.gamedays2011.de

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