
CfP: Games for Health Europe 2015

Games for Health Europe, the European partner of the Games for Health network, is proud to announce its fifth annual conference, taking place in Utrecht, the Netherlands, in October 2015!

Fifth Conference on Games for Health Europe 2015, Utrecht, the Netherlands


Founded in 2004, the Games for Health Project supports community, knowledge and business development efforts to use cutting-edge games and game technologies to improve health and health care.

The Games for Health Conference brings together researchers, medical professionals and game developers to share information about the impact of games, playful interaction and game technologies on health, health care and health policy.

The aim of the conference is to bring together academics and practitioners working within the field of game & play design, game development and the medical community to explore and innovate within the area of health.


Call for Abstracts

The conference calls for  abstracts from multidiscipline in health care, gamification and the design for games & play. Studies that focus on the patient centred within his or her individual medical, social and cultural context (peers, relatives) addressing different stakeholders (doctors, hospitals), are encouraged. This call for papers is intended to solicit contributions from an international audience on recent developments and experiments that:

We are keen to encourage the submission of papers from a wide variety of disciplines and perspectives that relate to design and deployment of playful solutions and applied games in both research and industry. Topics sought include, but are not limited to:

  • Design process and evaluation, such as the accessibility or the efficacy of games & play in health care.
  • Game-based and playful solutions to behaviour change, persuasive healthcare problems and motivational aspects of games,
  • Issues related to specific target groups such as assistive technologies for people with disabilities, elderly people (‘silver games’), toddlers, hospitalized children, etc.
  • Participatory health. Self authored content and personalisation in games and playful interaction. Audience involvement. Lifestyle-embedded gaming. Game based learning and the social and collaborative aspects of play,
  • Studies that capitalize on the ability of games to distract patients’ attention from aversive symptoms,
  • Studies into physical therapy and physical fitness using video game technology,
  • Game related technology such as visualization, contemporary games controllers, navigation in (virtual) environments, remote control, brain control to create new opportunities in health and rehabilitation applications
  • Serious games for training and (professional) education.

Submission and Proceedings

a.    In our first round, we welcome abstracts of up to 500 words of your original research, accompanied by some example slides of your presentation. Please indicate whether you are interested in publishing your full paper in the peer reviewed conference proceedings, published by Springer. Deadline: March 1.
b.    In the first week of April, you will be notified of acceptance, and asked to submit a full paper, that will be
c.    Deadline full paper: July 1. Full papers should report original work within game & play design and health care and may address any of the areas listed in the conference topics.

Submissions must not exceed 10 pages in length including references and should be submitted through the EasyChair submission system.

Important Dates

Submission is open from February 15th 2014, through the EASY CHAIR conference system:



We only accept papers following the manuscript guidelines of Springer, given on the following web page:


Please note at least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference.


Abstract Submission Deadline:         March 1th, 2014

Notification of Acceptance:              April 1th, 2014

Final Submission:                                July 1th, 2014


Prof. Dr. Ben Schouten BA

Eindhoven University of Technology,

The Netherlands



Dr. Marlies Schijven, MD MHSc

Academic Medical Center of Amsterdam

The Netherlands



Dr. Mirjam Vosmeer, PhD

Amsterdam University of Applied Science

The Netherlands



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