
CfP: Games User Research Workshop at CHI 2014 (Toronto, Canada)

The CHI 2014 Games User Research workshop focuses on mixed methods and reporting as the next step for ensuring the continued collaboration and cross-disciplinary innovation. The goal of the one-day workshop is to advance and share the knowledge base on the integration of research method, and on novel and effective reporting approaches.

One-day workshop (April 26 or April 27, 2014)


Participants are invited to submit their proposal as one PDF file that contains: a short biography (100-150 words) of the author(s) attending the workshop and either:

  • A 4-page position paper (prepared in CHI extended abstracts format see: http://chi2014.acm.org/authors/format#extendedformat). Submissions are not anonymous and should include all author names, affiliations, and contact information, describing work falling within the topics of the workshop. Submissions may describe ongoing work, recent results, or opinions and approaches related to the workshop topic.


  • A presentation abstract and slides/video (video file should be submitted in addition to the PDF proposal) We ONLY recommend this for industry participants.

Content should highlight real-world issues relating to the workshop topics of mixed methods and reporting techniques, and need to tackle new research or recent advancements that improve games user research processes.

Participants are asked to submit their proposals via EasyChair (https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=chigur2014) by 17 Jan 2014. Submission will be reviewed and the organizing committee will select up to 20 participants according to relevance, quality of results, and research diversity. If accepted, at least one author must register for the workshop and for one or more days of the conference. Papers will also be compiled on the workshop website (http://hcigames.businessandit.uoit.ca/chigur/).

Important Dates

January 17, 2014: Submissions deadline

February 10, 2014: Acceptance notification

April 26 or 27, 2014: Workshop (workshop date is yet to be confirmed by CHI Workshop Chairs)

If you have any questions, please contact any of the organizers or email us at: chigur2014@easychair.org

Visit the Facebook CHI GUR 2014 event page or follow us on twitter for quick updates.





Veronica Zammitto (Electronic Arts)

Pejman Mriza-Babaei (University of Ontario Institute of Technology)

Ian Livingstone (Ubisoft Montreal)

Marina Kobayashi (Sony CEA)

Lennart Nacke (University of Ontario Institute of Technology)

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