
CfP: GenderIT 2015 – Advancing Diversity (University of Pennsylvania)

In IT and technology-related fields at large, diversity has been a longstanding and troubling issue. Particularly, girls, women and minorities continue to be underrepresented in these fields; few engage in STEM-related classes or enter IT professions. What can we do to address these challenges? What do we know about interests, images, and intersections around gender, race, and IT? How can we design K-12 education and craft career trajectories so that more girls and minorities express interest and participate in IT? What are some promising and innovative designs and interventions? How are trends in related fields, such as gaming, connected to larger IT developments? In GenderIT 2015, we will set out to examine and discuss these issues and more around three focal areas:

–       Promoting computer science education in K-12

–       Understanding developments around gender and gaming

–       Developing new interventions and applications for STEM


Join us April 24-25 at the University of Pennsylvania!



Call for Papers and Posters

We invite researchers, designers, and practitioners to participate in the conference through contributions from your own work. Relevant topics include:

+ gender specific aspects of IT appropriation and use

+ the role of the new media for learning

+ gender awareness in computer science curricula and IT trainings

+ the relation of gender and IT in education, training, and work

+ the significance of gender for career choices and qualification paths in the IT domain

We welcome submissions following ACM format in the form of long papers (8 pages), short papers (4 pages) or posters (2 pages). 


▪   Submissions: February 20, 2015 

▪   Notifications: March 5, 2015

▪   Camera-Ready: March 20, 2015


▪   Paper (long and short): A long paper should consist of no more than 8 pages; a short paper should be no more than 4 pages. This is including figures, references and appendices, and an abstract of no more than 150 words. Longer submissions will automatically be rejected. The submission must be original; it cannot be published or be in a review process elsewhere. Long and short papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library.

▪   Poster: Posters are for new work, preliminary findings, designs or educational projects. They are accompanied by a two-page abstract. This text should articulate out the aspect of the work that is apt to lead to productive discussion with conference participants in the poster session. Posters will be published in the in the ACM Digital Library.

All submissions must adhere to the formatting guidelines in the ACM proceedings template. All submissions will be blind-reviewed. Please prepare your submission accordingly.


Please submit your papers for GIT 2015 here. The paper submission system is supported by Easy Chair and requires the creation of an “author” account for all submissions.


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