
CfP: GHItaly 2019 Workshop on Games-Human Interaction

GHItaly19 aims at bringing together scholars and industry practitioners to establish a common ground on the topic.

The main goal of the event is to spur discussion, exchange of ideas, and development of new ways of researching, teaching, and working on games-human interaction.

The perspective that the workshop aims at investigating is the design of visual interfaces applied in the specific field of the production of video games. However, the application range of video games that the workshop invites to explore has to be intended in its broadest sense: both entertainment and applied finalities.


The workshop aims at collecting contribution advancing the research applied to video games.

This edition will especially focus on the influence of visual interface design on the final quality of user experience.

Suggested topics include (but are not limited to):

  • Adaptive and Context-Aware Interfaces
  • Agency of objects
  • Artificial Intelligence applications
  • Biometric measures for interaction
  • Critical or meaningful play experience
  • Distributed and Online systems
  • Full-body Interaction
  • Game Design & Level Design
  • Human Computer Interaction applied to visual interfaces Immersive VR systems
  • Information Visualization
  • Interaction Design Tools
  • Interfaces for Social Interaction and Cooperation Motion-based Interaction
  • Moral choices
  • Multimodal Interfaces
  • (Multi)Sensory Interfaces
  • Procedural rhetoric
  • Sensemaking
  • Storytelling
  • Usability and Accessibility
  • Visualization techniques
  • Virtual and Augmented Reality


All paper submissions must be in English, and they must not exceed six (6) pages in length, including references. The papers must be formatted using the ACM SIGCHI format ( http://chi2019.acm.org/authors/chi-proceedings-format/ ).

Papers must be submitted online via EasyChair submission system: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ghitaly19

All the papers will be subject to a double review process by the members of the Programme Committee. The proceedings with the papers accepted to the GHItaly19 workshop will be published in CEUR Workshop Proceedings ( http://ceur-ws.org ), and will be indexed by SCOPUS.

The authors of the best papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their work to an international journal.


  • June 3: Submission deadline
  • June 21: Review notification
  • July 8: Camera ready submission
  • September 23: GHItaly 2019 Workshop

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