
CfP: ICA Game Studies: Puerto Rico 2015 “Gaming Bodies” Pre-Conference

You are invited to submit papers to the Game Studies paper competition for the upcoming ICA 2015 annual conference to be held 21-25 May 2015 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Papers must be submitted online using the ICA online submission system (http://www.icahdq.org/cfp) by 11 p.m. Eastern U.S. time on 3 November 2014.

We welcome papers from a variety of disciplinary approaches on a broad range of topics dealing with the study of games and the game experience. More details about our paper competition and the general ICA call for papers guidelines can be found at the group’s web site, http://icagames.org.

Whether you are submitting a paper or not, we are also seeking reviewers to help us with this year’s paper competition. To volunteer as a reviewer, 1) go to the ICA paper submission site at http://www.icahdq.org/cfp/index.asp, 2) log in and choose the “Continue to Paper Management” link, 3) choose “Volunteer to be a Reviewer” and include Game Studies in your selected groups. Papers will be assigned in early November, and reviews will be due in early December. In 2014, the majority of reviewers were only assigned three papers, and we made every effort to make sure that those papers aligned with your stated areas of expertise and interest.

Our reviewers are what makes our paper competition possible, and I am very proud of the generous service that great scholars from all over the world have provided to make our paper competition a good one. I hope you will help us succeed again this year.

If you are interested in the Game Studies group, please also find more information at http://icagames.org and visit with us on our Facebook community at https://www.facebook.com/icagames. We also respond to tweets: @ICAGames.

Don’t forget that we’re also hosting a pre-conference with the theme of “Gaming Bodies” – the submission deadline is December 1st and there are four opportunities to submit (translational questions, research papers, research posters, and game demonstrations). Information about the pre-conference, which has separate submission guidelines and a later deadline, is also available at http://icagames.org – click on ‘2015 Preconference.’

Please contact me (Dr. Nicholas David Bowman) directly at Nicholas.Bowman@mail.wvu.edu with any questions or concerns.


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