
CfP: Interactive Entertainment 2016 – 2-5 February 2016, Canberra, Australia

Interactive Entertainment is Australasia’s longest running games and digital entertainment conference. The twelfth series of the conference will be held 2-5 February 2016 as part of the Australasian Computer Science Week (ACSW 2016) http://cs.anu.edu.au/conf/acsw2016/. ASCW 2016 will be hosted at Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra, Australia. Registration for IE2016 will enable delegates to attend sessions in any conference participating in ACSW 2016.

Accepted papers presented at the conference will also be published via the ACM conference publication series in addition to the ACM Digital Library.


 Full Paper Submission: 14th August 2015
Author Notification: 25th September 2015
Camera-ready/Registration: 26th October 2015

IE2016 welcomes scientists, designers, artists, technicians, students, industry and academics from across the spectrum. We encourage contributions from fields as diverse as computer science, social science, design, communication, media studies, music, engineering, health and mathematics. Anyone interested in the myriad of technologies and issues that impact on interactive entertainment and computer games are encouraged to come along and share their thoughts on “Different Perspectives” in Interactive Entertainment.

Please visit the IE2016 website (www.ieconference.org/ie2016/) for a full list of topics and submission information.



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