

NASAGA Conference 2016 Call for Proposals

Have you ever considered facilitating an interactive session at a gaming and simulation conference? If so, now is your chance to share those experiences and have fun with like minds! The event will be held at Bloomington Indiana on the campus of Indiana University 26-29 October 2016.

You are invited to submit a proposal in one of two formats:

  • Breakout Session – allows attendees to brainstorm, collaborate, and (of course) play games with a focus on learning and improving results
  • Interactive Poster Session – allows you to share your research findings or current work.

To submit a proposal, download and complete the application at http://nasaga.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fa6ab24c4fb51334c00d9a4df&id=35b7198d0e&e=826ae0dafa and
email the document to <proposals@nasaga.org>. You may submit more than one proposal by completing a separate application for each.

What is NASAGA looking for in a session?

  • Interactive sessions that include time for debrief and discussions.
  • “Aha!” moments that inspire us to build upon what you shared.
  • Play games.
  • Have fun while learning or brainstorming.

Possible topics include:

  • Game-based learning
  • Game design and development
  • Game mechanics and skinning
  • Case Study (i.e. how you used a game for training, education, etc.)
  • Augmented reality

Submission deadline: 1 April 2016

How is the NASAGA Conference Different?
The strength of NASAGA conferences lies in the interactive breakout sessions. That’s why the organizers are looking for presenters from all corners: teachers, professors, instructional designers, game designers, facilitators, speakers, performance improvement specialists, consultants, corporate trainers, and more.

Additional thoughts on sessions:
Do you have a great idea but are bored with the typical constraints of conference presentations? Consider experimenting with an alternative style of presentation to engage the audience.

Did you create or modify a game that facilitated learning? The audience might benefit from a chance to play the game before learning about it.

Do you have an idea that you want to try out or a process that you found successful? Consider making your session a game jam or collaborative working session.

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Join the premier international association for professionals, academics, developers and other individuals interested in the evolving fields of digital gaming and game studies.