CFP: Nordic DiGRA 2023

Nordic DiGRA (Digital Games Research Association) invites research contributions in the form of extended abstracts which will be peer reviewed for quality and suitability to the theme. We accept deviations from the format as well as creative interpretations (such as panels, workshops and demos). The conference will be a fully in-person event in Uppsala, Sweden, on 27–28 April 2023.

We invite contributions from within and across any discipline committed to advancing knowledge on games. The conference theme this year, Interdisciplinary embraces, speaks to the multidisciplinary nature of the field of games research. We ask for extended abstracts in a first round, all accepted speakers will be invited to submit full papers for a special issue in the Transactions of the Digital Games Research Association (ToDiGRA) journal. This will be subject to a second round of peer-review.

The conference is organised at the Department for Informatics and Media, Unit for Human-Computer Interaction, at Uppsala University and supported by The Centre for Digital Humanities, Uppsala University and the Centre for Integrated Research on Culture and Society (CIRCUS), Uppsala University.

The deadline for research contributions is 18 November 2022. Nov 25 2022.

See you in Uppsala in 2023!

Full CFP:

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