
CfP: Nordic DiGRA: Experiencing Games: Games, Play, and Players

Research on games has grown into a research area of its own. This conference aims to bring together researchers in the Nordic countries that focus on the study of games and gaming, be it on-line, computerised, or in the physical world. Based on the Nordic tradition on user-centered design, the first Nordic DIGRA conference will place a particular focus on studying design for player experience, and research on tools and methods for player-participatory design.

More information can be found at http://www.nordic-digra-old-site.local/

We invite submission for full papers and four workshops. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • (game) experience design
  • The play experience
  • collaborative design
  • player involvement in game design
  • methods and tools for studying the game experience
  • game prototyping practices
  • the social and physical context of play
  • game accessibility
  • non-digital game experience
  • game interface design
  • game interfaces beyond the screen, keyboard, mouse and controller
  • player communities
  • pervasive games
  • mobile games

The Nordic DIGRA conference is sponsored by DIGRA (Digital Games Research Association). Travel grants are available for Ph.D. students who present at the conference.


  • Full paper submission and workshop proposals: May, 7 (new deadline)
  • Notification of acceptance: May, 31
  • Camera ready version: June, 20
  • Conference: August 16-17, 2010


Papers submitted are subject to peer review. Workshop proposals are evaluated based on extended abstract; we welcome practical hand-on proposals (e.g., play experience evaluation, game design).

Long papers should be 5 to 8 pages in ACM SIG format and workshop proposal 3 to 4 pages. Detailed submission information can be found at the conference web site at http://www.nordic-digra-old-site.local/.

Selected papers will be published in conference proceeding as well as at Digital Library of Digital Game Research Association DiGRA.

Organizing Committee and more information

  • Annika Waern, General Chair, annika at sics.se
  • Petri Lankoski, Program Chair, petri.lankoski at taik.fi
  • Harko Verhagen, Local Chair, verhagen at dsv.su.se
  • Anne Mette Thorhauge, Publicity Chair, thorhaug at hum.ku.dk

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Join the premier international association for professionals, academics, developers and other individuals interested in the evolving fields of digital gaming and game studies.