
CfP: Playing Life: Gamification Beyond Gaming (special issue of Screencity Journal)

Scholars, designers, players, and artists are invited to participate in PLAYING LIFE: GAMIFICATION BEYOND GAMING, a special issue of Screencity Journal entirely dedicated to the the topic of gamification, i.e. the use of game design elements and game mechanics in non game contexts.

Screencity Journal #5


Edited by Emanuela Zilio and Matteo Bittanti


A peer reviewed publication, Screencity Journal #5 aims to support policy makers and private investors in understanding the cultural, social, and economic relevance of videogames and gamification approaches in relation to Cultural Heritage & Arts, Science, Communication, Entertainment, Urban Studies, Health, Learning and Education.

Scholars, designers, players, and artists are invited to participate in PLAYING LIFE: GAMIFICATION BEYOND GAMING, a special issue of Screencity Journal entirely dedicated to the the topic of gamification, i.e. the use of game design elements and game mechanics in non game contexts.

We are looking for proposals that critically and playfully engage with gamification, a notion whose popularity has transcended the academic sphere thanks to an avalanche of publications, workshops, conferences, and events throughout the United States and Europe in the past five years. Currently, several contrasting concepts of gamification coexist – and frequently clash – within multiple conversations, contexts, and discourses. Seen as a marketing tool by some, gamification has often been dismissed and/or criticized by scholars. At the same time, others have highlighted its potential to enrich and augment various cultural, creative, political, pedagogical, and artistic practices.

PLAYING LIFE: GAMIFICATION BEYOND GAMING will critically address several questions raised by gamification, especially its ethical, political, ideological, educational, and aesthetic implications. How can gamification question existing structures and conditions of inequality, disparity, exploitation, and social injustice? What does it mean to live in a “gamified” society, and what does such world look like? Is it utopian or dystopian?

Screencity Journal #5 will examine multiple themes related to gamification in relation to Cultural Heritage & Arts, Science, Communication, Entertainment, Health and Learning.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

Critical literature reviews of gamification (for example, the rhetoric and discourses surrounding gamification, historical precedents, ideological and functional frameworks, etc.);
Gamification between labor and play, commodification and exploitation, surveillance and sousveillance;
Gamification and economic theory;
Gamification and political science;
Gamification and Game Art: appropriations, subversions, and interventions, from hacking to modding, from performances to happenings;
The ethics of gamification;
The potential of gamification for research and learning (gamification as a training tool, conceptual framework, form of pedagogy etc.);
The uses of gamification in health-related contexts;
Gamification in marketing, communication, and media.
Authors are invited to address the ethical, political, social, ludic, and artistic aspects of gamification; critically engage with the scholarly literature on the topic; be familiar with the history and evolution of this practice; examine or discuss case studies; and suggest possible strategies to develop and apply gamification for projects related to Cultural Heritage & Arts, Science, Communication, Entertainment, Urban Studies, Health, Learning and Education.

One of the purposes of Screencity Journal #5 is to provide a critical overview of key case studies, best practices, and gamification strategies that have been applied or could be used in the future by policy makers and entrepreneurs as well as scholars and institutions. The editors are also looking for possible implementation plans of gamification project specifically conceived and designed for the Italian context.


Authors are invited to submit a 500 word proposal comprised of title, abstract, list of keywords, tags, conclusions, and bibliography. A list of the most relevant topic and sub-topic mentioned in their proposal, as well as a list of tags as indicative elements of the contribution are also required. Authors are asked to provide their current affiliations and a short bio.

Additional material, such as description or links to working prototypes, case studies, examples, or even fully functioning projects, are more than welcome.

Please read carefully the paper submission guidelines

Send your proposal to both Editors via email:
Emanuela Zilio at emanuela.zilio@screencitylab.net
Matteo Bittanti at mbittanti@gmail.com
and in cc to Screencity Journal info@screencitylab.net

Submission of Abstracts: May 30, 2014
Notification of Author Acceptance: June 15, 2014
Final papers submission for publication: September 22, 2014

All abstracts and full papers are due in English.

A selection of essays will be translated into italian and published in the ongoing LUDOLOGICA book series, edited by Matteo Bittanti and Gianni Canova.

CFP: http://www.screencitylab.net/journal/call-for-papers/163-screencity-journal-5.html

Emanuela Zilio http://screencitylab.net/people/12-emanuela-zilio.html

Matteo Bittanti http://www.mattscape.com

LUDOLOGICA: http://www.ludologica.com

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