
CFP: Regional eSports: Growth and Barriers Seminar (July 3, 2017, Melbourne, Australia)

Personnel: Marcus Carter, Robbie Fordyce, Martin Gibbs, & Emma Witkowski

The convenors of this half-day workshop seek expressions of interest for participation from individuals interested in examining the various regional contexts for eSports practices around the world. Spectatorship and play differ from location to location, with different regions providing unique arrangements of culture, infrastructure, and support for players and watchers alike. Accordingly, this workshop brings together researchers to discuss the national specificities of eSports, especially with regards to barriers for participation for interested spectators and amateur players.

The convenors, Marcus Carter (The University of Sydney), Robbie Fordyce (The University of Melbourne), Martin Gibbs (The University of Melbourne) and Emma Witkowski (RMIT University), hope to coordinate up to 20 participants into the formation of an ongoing discussion of the regional aspects of eSports, with an eye to future collaboration in an edited collection.

The emphasis of the workshop will be on discussion, and we invite those interested in presenting material to include an abstract with their submission to the workshop. The convenors will select 6-8 abstracts for presentation during the 4-hour workshop.

Please submit expressions of interest to robert.fordyce@unimelb.edu.au with the subject line “Regional eSports”. For those interested in presenting, please attach a 200-word abstract to your submission in Word or PDF format.

Full details are available here: http://digra2017.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/DIGRA_workshop_2017_Regionalised_eSports_CFP.pdf


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