Call for Submissions to the Research and Experimental Game Festival @ Foundations of Digital Games 2012
May 29-June 1, 2012
Raleigh, North Carolina
Important Dates:
Research and Experimental game Festival Submission:19 January 2012
Research and Experimental Game Festival Notification: 01 March 2012
The Festival is designed to showcase playable games that are experimental or have a research component. Submitted games could be significant because they are designed to answer a research question or experiment with the design process, or because their technological components represent research advancements. Works in progress are permitted, but the game will ideally include at least one playable level (or comparable unit of play time). Works that have not yet reached this stage may be more suitable for the conference demo track.
Details after the jump
Submissions should also include a 2-4 page writeup of the project which addresses requirements (technical and otherwise) needed for demonstrating the game at FDG. The text should outline the game’s research context, and how the work demonstrates rigor in methodology and a contribution to knowledge. Submissions should also include a link to the game, and/or substantive documentation, hosted on your own server or one of your choosing.
We welcome and encourage works exploring a variety of disciplinary approaches and methodologies, including interdisciplinary collaborations. It is the responsibility of the contributor to ensure all necessary information is accessible at all times during the judging period (19 January 2012 to 01 March 2012).
Games will be peer reviewed by an international panel comprised of academics, artists, and game designers. The Festival accepts works at all stages of publishing, regardless of source funding, provided the work clearly demonstrates an advancement to current and/or ongoing research. Works previously submitted to other festivals or exhibitions are permitted.
General Submission Guidelines
The 2-4 page writeup must be in either PDF or DOC format, and comply with the official ACM proceedings format using one of the templates provided at
Submissions must be made via EasyChair at
If you have any questions or problems, please do not hestitate to contact the Festival Chair Cindy Poremba at cindy @ docgames dot com.