CfP: Serious Games and Edutainment Applications (book)

Dr. Minhua Ma, University of Derby, UK
Dr. Andreas Oikonomou, University of Derby, UK
Professor Lakhmi Jain, University of South Australia

Publisher: Springer-Verlag, UK

The recent emergence of serious games as a branch of the video games has introduced the concept of games designed for a serious purpose other than pure entertainment. To date the major applications of serious games include engineering, education, health care, military applications, city planning, production, crisis response, and training. Serious games have primarily been used as a tool that gives players a novel way to interact with games in order to learn skills and knowledge, to promote physical activities, to support social-emotional development, to treat different types of psychological and physical disorders, etc. Many recent studies have identified the benefits of using video games in a variety of serious purposes. Since games technology is inexpensive, widely available, fun and entertaining people of all ages, if combine with conventional methodologies in many application domains, it could provide a powerful means of encouraging people more effectively in designated activities.

Serious Games and Edutainment Applications offers an insightful introduction to the development and applications of games technologies in educational settings, with cutting edge academic research and industry updates which will inform readers current and future advances in the area. This book suits for both researchers, educators who are interested in using games for educational purposes, and game professionals who are trying to gain a thorough understanding of issues of applying video games technology into educational settings and share their expereince in design, developping, and using games for teaching and learning, and recommendations.

Tentative list of section and chapter headings

1. Introduction to serious games
a. What are serious games?
b. Why use games in education?

2. Game based learning
(Educational and psychological grounds for teaching and learning with games. Incorporate insights from cognitive science, child development, and other education-related fields)

3. Use of off-the-shelf games in education
a. Case studies and underlying pedagogy
b. Processes

(Selecting a commercial game, Planning a lesson, in the classroom, Ensuring learning outcomes, Assessment, Technical considerations, etc.)

4. Custom-made games in education
a. Exploratory learning in single player games
(flash games, 3D games, games on various platforms, online games, etc.)
b. Social interactive learning in multiplayer games

5. Designing serious games for learning
a. Video games and learning theory
b. Game design principles for educational games
c. Game genres and education

6. Developing serious games for learning
a. Game middleware
b. Framework for educational games

7. Advantages and issues when using games in the classroom

8. Future trends of serious games in education

Editing & Development Process

All chapters must be original, of high quality and of approximately 15–30 pages in length at the publication stage. Submitted chapters should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Papers which have appeared previously in proceedings of conferences can be submitted to this book if they are substantially revised or improved from their earlier versions with at least 30% new material or results to comply with the copyright regulations. All submissions will be refereed through a double-blind peer review process.

Publishing Schedule
Chapter proposal due: 1 November 2010

Authors are invited to submit a summary (* one page *) of their proposed chapters as well as their 5 lines brief resume (CV) for the possible inclusion in the book.

Acceptance/Rejection of proposals: 20 November 2010

Manuscript due: 12 March 2011

Review feedback due: 20 April 2011

Revised chapter due: 30 May 2011

Manuscript delivery to the publisher: 30 June 2011

Publication 2011

* Proposals on all relevant topics are invited.
* Co-authored chapters are welcome.
* We will be pleased to offer one complimentary copy to the corresponding (or the first author) of each chapter as a token of appreciation.

Please send your chapter proposal to the Editorial Team contact:

Dr. Minhua Eunice Ma
Reader in Visualisation and Virtual Reality,
Programme Leader for MSc Computer Games Production,
School of Computing and Mathmetics
University of Derby, DE22 1GB, UK
Tel: (+44) 01332 592108

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