
CfP: Special issue of Games and Culture – Digital Gaming and Ageing

The ageing population is becoming a challenge for governments, practitioners and researchers alike. Worldwide statistics show, how the current and future estimated projections are increasing. With this in mind, researchers and health practitioners have been attempting to identify suitable and innovative information and communication technologies (ICT’s) approaches to facilitate healthy ageing, rehabilitation and maintain quality of life (QoL) and independence. One of the more common and fashionable ICT’s has been digital gaming, primarily in the area of fall prevention and health rehabilitation.



Over the last several years, there has been growth in research focusing primarily on health rehabilitation, utilizing consoles such as the Nintendo Wii, Sony PlayStation Eye toy utilizing commercial and purpose built software and hardware. Since 2010, Microsoft released the Kinect console and in 2013, the Kinect One has been available, enabling users to engage with the environment with more detailed sensor detection, heart rate trackers and the ability to track up to 6 individuals. However, with this technology being exploited in small samples worldwide, in clinics and laboratories, little is known about the needs, requirements, theoretical understanding of digital games for an ageing population.
We call for papers in the following (non-exclusive) list of topics:

Research Methods – Approaches
Digital Gaming & Vulnerable Populations
Health Benefits – Physical, Cognitive
Design – Physical Space
Barriers & Enablers
Intergenerational Perspectives

Authors are asked to submit a proposal of a 1000 words that will be reviewed for acceptance. Authors of selected proposals will be notified and will then be requested to submit full papers which will go through the usual blind/peer-review process of Games & Culture. Final papers must be formatted with CECS publication guidelines.

Proposal submissions should be send to all of the guest editors, with the reference of “special edition Games & Cultures – Submission (Name)” in the subject heading.
PROPOSAL SUBMISSIONS should contain the following information:

Names of all authors and affiliations
Correspondence details of 1st author
References SHOULD NOT be included in the 1000 word count
Only use references that are actually cited in the body of text
All submissions should be original work & should not have been submitted else where
Formatting guidelines: double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman font


Proposal submission should be a maximum 1000 words: Thursday 9th October 2014. 5pm CET
Notification of acceptance: 14th November 2014
Full paper submission: 14th February 2015. 5pm CET
Revisions Notification: 15 March 2015
Final Manuscripts (after revisions): Friday 8th May 2015. 3pm CET
Journal Publishing: September 2015


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