The other Caillois: Game studies beyond Man, Play and Games
Guest editors: Marco Benoît Carbone and Paolo Ruffino
Themes for this issue may include but are not limited to:
– Play and games in Caillois within and beyond Man, Play and Games.
– How the notion of mimicry, crucial in the early work of Caillois, could let us re-imagine the relation gamer-game (see Mimicry and Legendary Psychasthenia, 1936, trans. 1984).
– How Caillois’ work on the interrelationship between sacred and profane could contribute to the on-going debates about and around the notion of the magic circle (see Man and the Sacred, 1939, trans. 1959).
– The use of games for doing things (serious games, gamification etc.) and the lives of things that Caillois describes in early contributions such as The Writing of Stones (1970, trans. 1985).
– Transversal approaches to video games: philosophy, sociology, anthropology, media studies.
– Magic beans and acephalous sciences: play, imaginative thought and intellectual provocation in the texts of the Surrealist thinkers who worked in close relationship with Caillois.
– Standing on the shoulders of giants: game studies and intellectual legitimisation.
– Video games and gambling: games of chances, game addictions.
– Video games on and off the screen: embodiment, urges and rituals.
– Video games as vertigo: beyond the pedagogical paradigm.
– Video games, society, and the sacred: entertainment, representations, beliefs.
– Caillois and the others: comparative game analyses through Caillois and other thinkers that were inspired by his thought.
Please submit an initial proposal of 1,000 words (exc. references) by the 25th of September 2015. This should be sent as a word document or PDF to the contact emails specified at the end of this call. The proposal should describe the topic and outline the main aims or argument of the article. It should include an indicative list of references.
Authors of submitted proposals will be notified by the 16th of October, 2015.
Authors of successful proposals will then be asked to submit a full article (no more than 8,000 words) by the 4th of December, 2015. Articles should be submitted to
The full articles will undergo a double-blind peer review process. For details of how to submit to Games and Culture and of the peer review process, see:
Accepted articles will be published in the Autumns 2016 issue of Games and Culture.
This issue will be edited by Marco Benoît Carbone and Paolo Ruffino.
Contact emails: