CfP: Special issue of the RIA (Artificial Intelligence Journal)

From Serious to Ludic Activities, Design and Architecture, Psychological and Sociological issues

Guest Editors: Jean-Marc Labat (University of Paris 6), Stéphane Natkin (CNAM)

Paper submission deadline: 29 April 2010

The concept of Serious Gaming can be considered from two main points of view: “Non gaming computer applications relying on the technology or the principles of computer games”, or “ Computer games main goal of which is not related to entertainment”. Whatever meaning is given to this term, the Serious Games industry is growing rapidly, partly as a consequence of several government initiatives in Europe, Asia and America. Game studios and publishers, education and communication companies, government agencies… are involved in the design, development and marketing of Serious Games.

The development of Serious Games leads to numerous research problems starting from psychological and sociological topics (user engagement, educative principles, social adoption) to design (Game Design for Serious Games) and technological ones (specific architectures and tools). The goal of this special issue is to provide a state of the art on these topics. Submission may cover either theoretical contributions, analysis of new applications of Serious Games, and innovative examples of Serious Games.

We invite authors to submit original papers in all areas of Serious Games including (but not limited to):

– Design principles and tools
– Reusable components
– Augmented Reality and Serious Games
– Games and simulation
– Integration between gaming and serious goals, from gameplay to scenarii
– Learning evaluation in Serious Games
– The player’s model
– Flow and motivation theory
– Psychological impact and risks
– Usability analysis

– Paper submission: 29/04/2010
– Author Acceptance/rejection: 10/07/2010
– Camera ready copy: 30/09/2010
– Publication of the special issue: end 2010



Submit papers to J.M. Labat, University UPMC 4, place jussieu, 75252 Paris cedex 05 Tél.:33144276530 or 33626390716 or 33144277122 e-mail :
According to the style sheet available at www.e- (or on request at :

Paper maximum lenght is 30 pages

Paper can be written in French or English (only for non french native authors)

Paper submitted has to be either pdf files (.pdf) or zipped poscript file [.ps.gzip]), Word or RTF file (.doc) (.rtf).

Camera-ready copies are either PDF or Word files. The authors will have to correct the typographic and editing errors according to the publisher recommendations.

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