
CfP: Special Issue of ToDiGRA: Physical and Digital in Games and Play

Deadline extended to October 28

Following the successful “Physical and Digital in Games and Play” seminar (May 29-31, 2013, University of Tampere), the Transactions of Digital Games Research Association (ToDiGRA) journal invites paper submissions for a special issue on the role of physicality and materiality in digital games, hybrid media, and mixed reality play experiences. The research carried out in such areas holds potential for providing interesting comparative work in theoretical and empirical game studies as well as inspiring new design experiments of hybrid games, playful media or augmented toys.

While this special issue is seeking articles on hybrid, physical-digital
phenomena and their research questions, it is also open to submissions that
mostly discuss traditional digital games or physical card, board or outdoor
sports games. However, such papers should focus on positioning the role of
such phenomena in an increasingly digitally augmented or mediated world.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
. Theoretical analyses of hybrid games, hybrid toys and hybridity in
. Case-studies of hybrid play products
. Hybrid experiences in physical and digital play
. Designs of toy-media or toy-game hybrids
. Digitally augmented board game and table top game designs
. Augmented sports and exergames
. Role-playing with a mixed media component
. Cosplay practices particularly as related to digital games and game
. The experience, use, or value of digital copy vs. physical copy
. Game industry vs. toy industry
. Contemporary, mixed media folk games, folk toys, and player created
. 3D Printing in playful media and games
. Physical games and digital art, playgrounds and museums
. The role of physical and digital in gambling

The editors of this special issue are Professor Frans Mäyrä, University of
Tampere; Dr Anu Seisto, VTT; and Dr Katriina Heljakka, Aalto University. The
editors bring together a combination perspectives and expertise from digital
and mixed reality game research, hybrid media research as well as from art,
design and toy research.

The article submissions should be anonymized and follow the DiGRA article
template (see http://todigra-old-site.local/index.php/todigra/about/submissions). The
recommended manuscript length is c. 7000-8000 words. Articles with the
appropriate thematic focus for the special issue will be subject to
anonymous peer review. The deadline for submissions is 18 October, 2013.
Inquiries and submissions (in Word or RTF format) should be emailed to

Transactions of the Digital Games Research Association (ToDIGRA) is an
international, open access, refereed, multidisciplinary journal dedicated to
research on and practice in all aspects of games. ToDiGRA captures the wide
variety of research within the game studies community combining, for
example, humane science with sociology, technology with design, and empirics
with theory. As such, the journal provides a forum for communication among
experts from different disciplines in game studies such as education,
computer science, psychology, media and communication studies, design,
anthropology, sociology, and business. ToDIGRA is sponsored by the Digital
Games Research Association (DiGRA), the leading international professional
society for academics and professionals seeking to advance the study and
understanding of digital games.

The editorial board of ToDiGRA is: Mia Consalvo, Canada Research Chair in
Game Studies and Design, Concordia University; Holin Lin, Professor,
National Taiwan University, Department of Sociology; Jesper Juul, Assistant
Professor, New York University Game Center; Frans Mäyrä, Professor,
University of Tampere, School of Information Sciences; Annika Waern,
Professor, Uppsala University, Department of Informatics and Media; José
Zagal, Assistant Professor, DePaul University. More of ToDiGRA:



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