CfP: Teaching Aesthetics in Game Design – Workshop at Foundations of Digital Games 2010

Do you teach or work with game design? Are you interested in the aesthetic aspects of game design? Would you like to share and deepen your views on aesthetics in games with others? Or, would you like to have practical tools for understanding or teaching aesthetics of games? If you answer any two of these questions with “yes”, then this workshop at FDG 2010 is for you!

The workshop addresses the need of being able to teach aesthetics in game design courses. Educators and practitioners from many fields will work together to develop a range of exercises that introduce students to the many different aesthetical possibilities of games. The workshop is aimed at educators – teaching any aspect of game design – that have an interest in aesthetics, both in relation to their own field as well as to game design as a whole, and wish to give students practical experiences of working with this. Practitioners from the industry that are interested in deepening their own understanding, or developing in-house training opportunities, are equally welcome since they can benefit to the workshop as a whole with their experience from actual developments.

The workshop is organized by Staffan Björk, Alessandro Canossa, Sus Lundgren, and Simon Niedenthal.

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