
CfP: VE Design Workshop at FDG 2017

VEDVR Workshop at FDG 2017: Call for Papers
August 14-17, 2017 at Cape Cod, MA, USA

Virtual Environment Design for VR Workshop at the Foundations of Digital Games Conference 2017 – DEADLINE EXTENDED

Designing virtual environments (VE) to facilitate particular interactions has gained increased interest since consumer-grade VR became more viable. This has resulted in a burgeoning field of scholarship related to design methodologies, procedural tools, and AI algorithms that contribute to presence within the VE and facilitate interactions critical to the experience. This workshop aims to discuss current VE design practices and advance knowledge of design methodologies for new kinds of play experiences. We are looking for papers on the following topics to expand the discourse around VE design in relation to VR experiences.


Papers may cover a wide range of topics within VE design, which includes but by no means are limited to:

• Procedurally generated VE design.
• Machine learning to evaluate and improve VE design; or augment the VE.
• Photogrammetry for VR and 360 experiences
• Volumetric video for rendering objects within expansive VEs.
• Light fields for capturing or rendering 3D environments.
• Utilizing eye-tracking as an interface for engaging with VEs; or as an evaluative tool for presence in VEs.
• Humanistic methodologies from performance studies, film studies, and architecture.
• Developing narrative languages or grammars for VEs.
• The application of impossible structures and architectures to achieve room-scale experiences.
• Developing VEs for Project Tango and other WebVR initiatives.
• Unique or alternative uses for VEs such as information architecture, content development, and education.
• Developing VEs to achieve games as training simulations.
• The differences between VEs for gaming and other entertainment experiences.
• Vision and machine learning to assess user emotional state in a VE.
• The use of techniques developed for improvisation to increase presence and effectiveness of VEs in training and education.

Accepted work will be published in ACM’s Digital Library.

Submission Categories:

Full Papers: Describing novel research related to the workshop themes. No more than 10 pages including references.
Position Papers: Written in the 2-page extended-abstract format, these papers stake out a particular position in the field for discussion within our community.
Demo Sessions: Pieces that can be exhibited or are in-progress submitted as executable software or a Unity3D project file. Demos will be done during the session and wherever possible. They will me made available online if possible.

Important Dates:

Submission Deadline: 6/16/2017
Acceptance Date: 6/20/2017
Final Paper Submission: 6/24/2017

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