CfP: Video Games: Research, Criticism, Design, May 12-13, 2017, Moscow

Video Games: Research, Criticism, Design
May 12-13, 2017, Moscow

Dear colleagues and associates!
Russian State University for the Humanities and Moscow State University
invite you to “Video Games: Research, Criticism, Design”. The conference
is organized by Division of Socio-Cultural Studies (RSUH), Center for
the Study of Religion (RSUH) and Faculty of Philosophy (MSU) and will
take place in Moscow on May 12-13.

The history of game studies in Russia is fairly brief: this both
spatially and epistemologically ever-expanding research field reached
Russian universities approximately 4 years ago. Since then Russian game
scholars have been striving for the reception of knowledge accumulated
in the field during last 20 years, integration of local game studies
community and establishing international academic communication. “Video
Games: Research, Criticism, Design” is going to become another important
step towards these goals.

The conference continues a series of academic events, such as public
seminars and conferences, organized by Moscow Game Center (an informal
game studies community of RSUH and MSU students) and hosted by Russian
State University for the Humanities, Moscow State University and Higher
School of Economics. “Video Games: Research, Criticism, Design” aims to
outline prospective approaches to studying video games both
independently and in conjunction with other digital and digitized
cultural objects..

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
1.    Video games as an art form: arguability of the status; research
approaches; public and academic acceptance.
2.    Game scholars, game journalists, game developers, gamers:
possibilities, terms and goals of mutually beneficial cooperation.
3.    Game criticism: theory of game criticism; amateur and journalistic
criticism; the task of game criticism.
4.    Video game: product/service dilemma, and what comes with each of
5.    Epistemological disobedience: reflection on the traditional ways
of speaking and thinking of video games.
6.    Simulation as an artistic/scholarly/critical utterance.
7.    Video games as social practices.
8.    Narrative, audiovisual and procedural reproduction of
discrimination, oppression or hegemony.

We welcome submissions from both experienced and novice researchers.

Guidelines for authors
The deadline to submit abstracts is April 3, 2017. All abstracts will
undergo a process of blind peer review. A submission should contain two

№1 – An abstract (400 words minimum and 700 words maximum) accompanied
with a list of up to 10 keywords and a list of references (bibliography
and ludography). This document cannot contain any personal data
including author’s name, affiliation and indicative references to any
previous publications of the same author. Submissions which violate
these instructions will be rejected.

№2 – ID. This document should contain author’s personal information:
first name, last name, affiliation, contacts and a short note covering
educational background and research interests.
Both documents should be attached to a single email and sent to

Please note that the maximal length of a presentation will be limited to
25 minutes. Visual (as well as audial) accompaniment for an oral
presentation is encouraged but optional.

Important Dates
Deadline for submission: April 3, 2017
Notification of acceptance/rejection: April 15, 2017
Deadline for registration: April 25, 2017
Schedule: April 27, 2017
Conference: May 12-13, 2017

Organising committee
Victoria Merzlyakova, RSUH (chair)
Maria Shteynman, RSUH
Sergey Klyagin, RSUH
Maxim Podvalniy, RSUH
Leonid Moyzhes, RSUH
Vladimir Mironov, MSU
Alexander Vetushinskiy, MSU
Egor Sokolov, MSU
Alexey Salin, MSU
Andrey Muzhdaba, SPbSU
Margarita Skomorokh, SPbSU


For any enquiries, please contact:
We look forward to seeing you at “Video Games: Research, Criticism, Design”!

call for papers

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