
CfP: VS-Games 2014, Valletta, Malta (9-12 Sept)

VS-Games now running in its 6th year, is a conference that targets cross-disciplinary communities interested in virtual worlds and games for serious applications. The conference promotes efforts in all areas of research involving the advancement of technologies, design, and applications of virtual worlds and serious games. We are therefore seeking contributions from academic researchers, developers from the industry as well as practitioners and decision-makers in the field of technology advances in serious games. A 48-hour game jam is being held throughout the conference duration.


VS-Games 2014 is supported by IEEE.
Conference proceedings are published by IEEE.
This conference is being organised and hosted by the University of Malta.

Important dates:
–Full and Work-in-Progress Papers: 31 March 2014
–Doctoral Consortium Papers: 30 April 2014
–Posters and Demos: 30 April 2014
–Industry Expo: 30 June 2014

Notification of acceptance: 15 May 2014

Keynote Speaker lineup:
Prof. Michael Zyda and Prof Igor Mayer

For more details visit: http://www.um.edu.mt/events/vs-games2014

More details about the call for papers can be accessed from: http://www.um.edu.mt/events/vs-games2014/call

Registrations and online submissions are now open.
Online submissions can be accessed from: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=vsgames2014

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