Macquarie University Department of Computing and the Ethics Centre would like to invite academics, industry professionals and other interested parties to the Workshop on Games, Ethics and War.
This one-day workshop will discuss such questions as:
- How is war depicted in videogames? How does this match up to the reality?
- What is ethical warfare? Is videogame war ethical?
- How do we design meaningful and engaging ethical decisions in games?
- How can game developers depict war and violence without glorifying it?
- Can games be used as a tool for developing ethical expertise?
Keynote speakers:
- Prof Jose Zagal of DePaul University and University of Utah, editor of the Videogame Ethics Reader
- Cory Davis of Tangentlemen, lead designer of Spec-Ops: The Line
- Michał Drozdowski, of 11-bit studios, lead designer of This War of Mine
This event is free but attendance is by registration only, as places are limited. To register, please email Malcolm Ryan (
We are looking for additional speakers. If you are interested in giving a 20 minute presentation on a related topic, please include your topic with your registration.
Where: Room 102, E6A Building, Macquarie University
When: Monday November 24, 10am-4pm
Lunch and refreshments will be included.