
CfP: Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing 2013 – part of FDG 2013

Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing 2013
Part of the International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games

Crete, May 14th-17th 2013

The expressive use of virtual cameras, mis-en-scene, lighting and texturing within 3D synthetic environment shows great promise to extend the communicative power of film and video into the artificial environments of games and virtual worlds.

Cinematics produced in virtual worlds will play a role not just for entertainment, but also for training, education, health-care communication, simulation, visualization and many other contexts. The automatic creation of cinematics in these environments holds the potential to produce video sequences appropriate for the wide range of applications and tailored to specific spatial, temporal, communicative, user and application contexts.

This workshop will bring together an interdisciplinary group of researchers and industrial experts from fields including 3D graphics, artificial intelligence, visualization, interactive narrative, cognitive and perceptual psychology, computational linguistics, computational aesthetics, visual effects and others who are working on the many related aspects of automatic camera control.

Details after the jump

These researchers will draw upon cutting edge research and technologies regarding both the production and comprehension of virtual films.

Topics of interest

• Approaches to framing and composition of individual shots

• Automatic lighting design

• Intelligent staging and blocking in dynamic environments

• Expressive performance of characters

• Intelligent editing tools

• Camera-driven control of NPCs and virtual characters and sets

• Efficient algorithms for camera placement

• Shot sequence selection and the determination of high-level constraints for the content of shots

• Integrating elements of user interaction with traditional non-interactive camera control

• Parallels between cinematic and linguistic communication

• Cognitive models of the comprehension of virtual cinematics

• Virtual cinematography as a pre-visualization tool for real-world filming

• Intelligent tools and novel interfaces for in-game cinematics, replays, and machinima

• Intelligent generation of comic book layouts

• Evaluation methodologies and results of user experience of virtual cinematics

• Collaborative visual storytelling

• Creativity in cinematic communication

Important Dates

• Paper submission: March 8, 2013

• Notification to authors: March 29, 2013

• Camera-ready deadline: April 12, 2013

• Workshop held: May 14 – 17, 2013


Researchers are encouraged to submit full papers (8 pages) or abstracts (2 pages) formatted according to ACM proceedings guidelines (http://www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/template.html). Submitted contributions may include original research papers, position papers, panel proposals, or survey papers.

All submissions should adhere to the FDG conference paper submission format. Papers should be submitted in PDF format via the WICED 2013 Easychair web submission site:


Organizing Committee

• Michael Young (chair, NC State University)

• Paolo Burelli (Aalborg University Copenhagen)

• Joseph Magliano (Northern Illinois University)

• Magy Seif El-Nasr (Northeastern University)

Program Committee

• Elisabeth Andre, Augsburg, Germany

• William Bares, Millsaps College, USA

• Brad Cassell, NC State University, USA

• Yun-Gyung Cheong, ITU Copenhagen, Denmark

• Marc Christie, U. Nantes and INRIA, France

• France, Henry Lowood, Stanford University, USA

• Ana Paiva, INESC-ID, Portugal

• Gabriel Radvanski, Notre Dame University, USA

• Mark Riedl, Georgia Tech, USA

• Rémi Ronfard, INRIA / LJK, France

• Roberto Ranon, University of Udine, Italy

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