
CfP: Workshop on the Internet of Playful Things (@CHIPlay2015)

This one-day workshop will bring together researchers and practitioners to share knowledge and practices on how people can connect and interact with the Internet of Things in a playful way. Open to participants with a diverse range of interests and expertise, the workshop explores novel ways to playfully connect people through their everyday objects and activities. The focus of the workshop is on how best to design and build playful networks of things, identifying the challenges that need to be addressed in order to do so.

Workshop on the Internet of Playful Things October 4, 2015 London, UK https://iotplay.wordpress.com/



Important Dates

Aug 31, 2015: Submissions deadline

Sep 7, 2015: Acceptance notification

Oct 4, 2015: Workshop





Workshop goals include:


– Knowledge on how space, place and time influence engagement

– Analysis of how the characteristics of objects impact on the type of social play that transpires

– Identifying how people’s goals, roles, interaction styles and level of engagement emerge and alter during playful IoT experiences

– Insight into how differences in background, age, culture, and experience with technology influence engagement

– Deeper understanding of how people interpret information associated with smart objects and how this interpretation influences play


Additionally, it is our intention to build a community of researchers and practitioners interested in designing, developing and analysing the Internet of Playful Things.


Organisers invite a broad spectrum of contributions, including:


– Case studies

– Design activities and interventions

– Emerging IoT technology

– IoT design for specific user groups (e.g., children, elderly, cross-cultural, intergenerational)

– Theoretical models of engagement (e.g., play motivations; physical-digital mapping)

– Methods and tools for design, development and evaluation


Submissions should present clearly identifiable ideas, problem statements, methodologies, outcomes and/or approaches to addressing the challenges of designing networks of things to create meaningful play experiences.


Submission details:


Participants are invited to submit a 4-page position paper (in the CHI extended abstracts format) describing work falling within the topics of the workshop. Submissions may describe ongoing work, case studies, recent results, or ideas, opinions and approaches related to the workshop topic. A short biography of the author(s) attending should be included (100-150 words). We encourage authors to bring demonstrations of playful IoT applications to the workshop.


See the workshop website for additional submission information: https://iotplay.wordpress.com/


Workshop Organisers:


Peta Wyeth, Margot Brereton, Paul Roe, Alessandro Soro and Daniel Johnson – Queensland University of Technology

Ann Morrison – Aalborg University

Yvonne Rogers – University College London


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